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Content strategy

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When to Use Content Types, Taxonomies, and Custom Entities in Drupal | 4Site Interactive Studios. I recently had a conversation with a client who was confused by Drupal terminology and didn’t know the difference between content types, taxonomies, and custom entities. This is a fairly common question we get asked by clients that are new to the content management system. Drupal allows you to create, organize, and present data using a few different mechanisms - content types, taxonomy terms, and entities.

There is a lot overlap between these - each is fieldable, each can have associated metadata and URLs, and can be presented in pretty custom ways to end users. So, you see where a new user’s confusion stems from. Here is how we define these mechanisms to our clients and our own beliefs around when you should use each. Content Types: A content type, simply put, is a way to represent different types of content that will be published using your CMS. We typically derive what content types to use on a client site by working with them through some engagement mapping exercises.

Taxonomies. Welcome to Forbes. The Future Of Content Curation Tools - Part II. -> continued from Part I - Future of Content Curation Tools 8) Preservation Contrary to popular belief, the nature of the web is quite volatile. A large percentage of the overall content available online, is moved, taken down, deleted or disappears on a daily basis, at times only because the website owner has no more money to pay his hosting bills.

If you run a check for broken links on your web site you will see what I am talking about. How many times have you run through a list of tools on a blog post, only to find that a bunch of them were not available anymore? How many startups are created and how many them survive after one or two years (and with them their websites and blogs)? Even without you as a publisher doing anything wrong, the links you create, pointing to other sites, tools and information, do disappear. This is the life of content on the Internet. Unless you save it on the Internet Archive or on some similar service. a) fully photograph, b) archive and More will follow. I don't. Scoop-It Dec. Meet Up: Content Curation for Nonprofits.

Content Strategy: Content is King! How to Create Content Strategy for a B2B Business. Developing a Coherent Content Strategy. Dale Content marketing is all about the creation of good content that attracts and engages with a target group; it is about communicating with customers without the sales pitch. At the heart of this process is content strategy. Before you can even think about using amplification services such as Outbrain’s, which effectively helps promote the content you produce – you really have to know what kind of content you want to create. You don’t want to go wildly into the online sphere creating random content that says nothing about your brand or business. At best it will be mildly distracting, at worst it will confuse and alienate the people you are creating content for – your existing and potential customer base. How to develop content strategy: ideas time For success it is important that you break everything down to basics.

Formulating your content strategy So now you understand why content strategy is important, it’s time to create your own content strategy. Brainstorming content strategy 1. 2. The Discipline of Content Strategy. We, the people who make websites, have been talking for fifteen years about user experience, information architecture, content management systems, coding, metadata, visual design, user research, and all the other disciplines that facilitate our users’ abilities to find and consume content. Article Continues Below Weirdly, though, we haven’t been talking about the meat of the matter. We haven’t been talking about the content itself. Yeah, yeah. But who among us is asking the scary, important questions about content, such as “What’s the point?”

As a community, we’re rather quiet on the matter of content. Do you think it’s a coincidence, then, that web content is, for the most part, crap? Dealing with content is messy. And yet, the web is content. And that’s where content strategy comes in. What is Content Strategy? Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, and governance of useful, usable content. At its best, a content strategy defines: But wait…there’s more#section3 BUT. Content strategy. Content strategy refers to the planning, development, and management of content—written or in other media.

The term is particularly common in web development since the late 1990s. It is recognized as a field in user experience design but also draws interest from adjacent communities such as content management, business analysis, and technical communication. Definitions[edit] Content strategy has been described as "…the practice of planning the content creation, delivery, and governance.

"[1] and "a repeatable system that defines the entire editorial content development process for a website development project. " [2] In her 2007 article, "Content Strategy: The Philosophy of Data," Rachel Lovinger described the goal of content strategy as using "…words and data to create unambiguous content that supports meaningful, interactive experiences.

" Many organizations and individuals tend to confuse content strategists with editors. Practitioners[edit] Resources[edit] References[edit] Content-strategy-e-book.