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Wimbledon Painters » Tips and Tricks for Painting and decoratingWimbledon Painters. A room looks wonderful with a fresh coat of paint. But it can be a time consuming business. Having said that it can provide you with an enormous sense of satisfaction once completed. If you are going to paint and decorate a room yourself.

You may find the tips below useful. Those who fail to plan…. You’ll enjoy the job more if you get everything together at the start. Plan a Day for Prep Don’t try to get everything done in one day. Clear the Room If you can, clear out all the furniture and accessories. Take everything off the walls. Remove All Knobs and Handles It may seem easier to paint around door knobs or cabinet hinges, but unless you’re a professional, very experienced painter, you’re bound to get drips around. Prepare Yourself No matter how hard you try, you’re bound to get drips (or more) of paint on whatever you’re wearing.

Don’t Paint Over Problem Walls If your walls have holes or cracks, fix them before you start with the paint.