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John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding. Vidéo : des exercices de sophrologie pour gérer le stress au travail >, toute l actualité de la sophrologie. Jane McGonigal: Le jeu qui peut vous donnez 10 ans de vie supplémentaires. Le burn-out. Joe Kowan: How I beat stage fright. Dr. Stacy Spaulding Towson University. This week I’ve been revisiting a few of my favorite TED Talks.

Dr. Stacy Spaulding Towson University

TED–which stands for technology, entertainment and design–is a non-profit that sponsors conferences around the world focused on “ideas worth sharing.” They recently celebrated one billion TEDTalk views and have partnered with Mashable to create TopTED, which features the favorite talks of celebrities, visionaries and innovators. I’ve got a huge list of favorite journalism and social media talks that I’ll share later. In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite “life hacks.” Top 20 TED Talks That Can Improve Your Life. Don't Miss Any Tips!

Top 20 TED Talks That Can Improve Your Life

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