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Apple and Jonathon Ive

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R&D Management Blog: Apple R&D and Steve Jobs Methodology: Small Focused Design Teams. We discussed user centric design as the fundamental tenet of new product development under Jobs.

R&D Management Blog: Apple R&D and Steve Jobs Methodology: Small Focused Design Teams

We talked about how a long-term vision, bounded by user centric design and supported by deep understanding of technology roadmaps is critical to long-term success. We also talked about how a leader has to be engaged in R&D to make the vision of a user centric design practical. Let us now focus on next attribute of a successful R&D manager: Building strong and driven team.

Having a vision and ability to engage in the detailed R&D goes a long way towards motivating teams. Meet The Members Of Apple's Elite Industrial Design Team. Jony Ive explains design process of Apple’s new EarPods [Video] We told you they were coming: Apple officially unveiled its new “EarPods” earlier today.

Jony Ive explains design process of Apple’s new EarPods [Video]

The company explained during this morning’s media event that the EarPods are three years in the making. Apple has yet to post the video of the full iPhone 5/iPod event, but now we get a look at a video played during the presentation. It features Jony Ive explaining the process of creating the new earbuds. Jonathan Ive interview: Apple's design genius is British to the core.


Below The Line Knowledge. Apples most iconic products. Design Process. Design Inspiration. Design Philosophy. Design Quotes.