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Blown To Smithereens: The Secret Story Of Survival Town | WebUrb. One pleasant spring day in 1955, an atomic bomb blasted an American city into oblivion. This is the story of Survival Town, a purpose-built collection of structures, buildings, even mannequins designed to measure the effects of an atomic weapon used against urban centers. Its optimistic name notwithstanding, Survival Town was destined to become, in a flash, Loserville. Operation Teapot Steams Up The Desert (images via: Weird Wild Realm and Deseret News ) It can get hot in Nevada, but 1955 saw temps in selected areas reach that of the surface of the sun. Home Sweet… Uh Oh (image via: Wired ) The stage was set for Survival Town two years earlier when, on the first day of tests for Operation Upshot-Knothole, the charming 1950′s house above was exposed to an atomic blast.

“Honey, Call State Farm” (image via: Corbis ) The Apple-2 test on May 5, 1955… yes, 5/5/55, showed similar results to the 1953 structures and materials test. Nobody Home, Gone Fission (image via: Spectrum ) Eve Of Destruction. 10 Historic Secret Rooms and Hidden Passages. 10 Historical Secret Rooms & Mysterious Hidden Passages Article by Delana, filed under Offices & Commercial in the Architecture category. For all of humankind’s history, we’ve been fascinated with hidden places.

Before they were a fun architectural addition to new homes, hidden rooms and secret passages served a purpose. Most often, that purpose was to allow someone to hide or escape from some kind of danger. At other times, though, they have served a much more sinister purpose. Here are ten notable hidden chambers, secret rooms, and concealed passages from throughout history from priest holes to royal escape routes. (image via: Lost Chord) There are few cultures more mysterious than the Ancient Egyptians.

(image via: Craig Thornber) During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, practicing Catholic rites was punishable by up to life in prison or even death. Stupid Celebrities Gossip » Nicole Kidman’s Face Caked With Powd. #FF00AA. Stargate Studios Reel. Mark Gormley ! Une fois n’est pas coutume, aujourd’hui je ne vais pas faire mon gros aigri de la vie en crachant partout tel un lama sous acide. Non ! Aujourd’hui je vais vous parler d’un artiste qui a bouleversé ma vie à jamais à tel point que je me demande comment mon existence a pu avoir un sens jusque là. Cet artiste, c’est Mark Gormley, un dieu parmi les hommes.

Mark Gormley – Little Wings Avant de regarder ce clip je tiens à vous prévenir, ne le visionnez que si vous vous en sentez la force mentale car votre vie connaîtra instantanément un avant et un après Mark Gormley ! Si vous vous sentez capable de vivre une expérience aux limites du divin, cliquouillez : Je le sens bien à la façon dont vous lisez mon texte que vous êtes émus, n’en ayez pas honte ! Intense est le terme qui défini le mieux Mark Gormley et encore, il est tellement en dessous de la vérité qu’il faudrait inventer des termes que même le petit Robert ne connaît pas. Le pire c’est que vous n’avez encore rien vu… Show me your moves ! IKEA installe des canapés dans le métro ! - Métro Ligne 12. A la fois un bon coup de pub et une bonne nouvelle pour le usagers du métro qui trouveront des canapés IKEA en attendant leur métro sur les quais de 4 stations.

Ça ne dure que jusqu’au 24 mars 2010 aux stations Saint Lazare (Ligne 12), Champs Elysées – Clémenceau (Ligne 13), Concorde et Opéra (Ligne 8). Décor trompe l’œil Histoire de se mettre dans l’ambiance, IKEA a installer des gigantesques affiches trompe l’œil de salon qui sont placées derrière les canapés. Sans oublier les lampes Ikea et les étiquettes avec le prix sur les canapés ! Je ne sais pas si les clochards auront le temps d’en profiter, mais en tout cas ca deviendrait presque agréable de prendre le métro ! Photos des canapés Participer au blog : écrivez un article ! Transport à Paris | Métro Ligne 12 , Métro Ligne 13 , Métro Ligne 8 | RSS des Petits Mots | ShareThis Mach le 12 mars 2010 à 2:33 je ne veux pas faire l’aigri mais l’hygiène dans tout cela, on en fait quoi ?

Nzo le 12 mars 2010 à 7:32 Pierrot95 le 12 mars 2010 à 8:41 Zinner. Tabloid Prodigy » Blog Archive » Picture of the day. Les fantaisies de Homo Economicus (1) Le paradoxe d'AllaisLa deuxième leçon d'économie établit quelques règles de bon sens qui guident nos choix. En cas d'incertitude, on choisit l'option qui a les plus grandes chances de nous apporter le maximum de gain (en jargon économique "on maximise son espérance d'utilité"). Par exemple, si vous avez une chance sur quatre de gagner 20 euros, votre espérance de gain est de 20/4=5 euros.

Ou plus précisément 0.25 u(20), u(20) étant l'utilité attribuée à ces 20 euros maintenant que l'on sait que cette utilité dépend des individus et des circonstances... Dès 1953 Maurice Allais a imaginé des expériences de pensée pour faire mentir ce raisonnement de pur bon sens. On pourrait penser qu'une telle faille dans l'un des piliers du modèle économique classique ébranlerait la théorie toute entière. Pas du tout: la critique resta relativement inaperçue pendant une vingtaine d'année, faute d'avoir un modèle de substitution cohérent avec ces observations.

Envie et immobilisme... English Russia » Oil Stones: A Soviet City in the Middle of the. In 1940s and 1950s, right after the World War 2 Russia had to recover from the consequences of the Nazi invasion. Lots had to be done and as we know to complete something you need to have enough energy. And energy at that times as well as it is much likely now meant oil. At that times the known oil reserves differed from what people in Russia know about it now. The main places to drill for oil was Southern Russia on contrary to frozen Northern Siberian regions as it’s for now.

So after a massive attack of oil thirsty state the lands of this previously oil-saturated region little by little got exhausted of the black mineral treasure and the need for new sources of it arouse. And that was really a city! As Soviet Union was keeping its achievements behind the iron curtain less was known to the rest of the world about such engineering wonder being built.

Also there is a good old Soviet documentary footage from this place, made on its rise, where you still. The Island Of The Dolls – A Dark Tourist Attraction In Mexico | A world renowned tourist destination is “La Isla de la Munecas”- a Spanish name which means the Island of the dolls. This Island of dolls is situated in Mexico and as the name suggests, one expects to see a beautiful world which will leave an everlasting impression. But the reality is exactly opposite and very harsh when one discovers the thousands of mutilated ugly dolls hanging from every tree on the island. Don Julian Santana, a hermit who renounced the world and his family to inhabit this island dedicated his last fifty years of his life to the make the “La Isla de la Munecas”. It is believed that, he did this to please the spirit of a little girl who had drowned in the canal. Whatever may be the reason, he managed to turn this island into a bizarre, scary place where an eerie eye of mutilated dolls haunts your every move, on this strange island.

This is a ghostly sight that serves as a dark tourist attraction especially for the young generation who is fascinated by gore and death. Funny Altering of Stop Signs | Mar 09 2010 I never realized how many uses there were for phrases after the word “stop,” but there are a ton. Ranging from movies to television to music, it’s a word that can be played with in abundance. But there’s just something pretty damned funny about seeing the phrases on an actual Stop sign. At the least it’s entertaining if your driving along only to actually stop because you want to read what the sign says.

Perhaps if Stop Signs were as colorful as these people would come to complete stops and cause less accidents. Even More Uncoachable Stuff. The Man With Half-A-Head. The Mysterious Sailing Stones of Death Valley. The Mysterious Sailing Stones of Death Valley Posted on 17 November 2009 Crni It is one big mystery that a stone that weighs more or less like a man can move on its own. This has become quite a puzzle for the past decade. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley have been discovered to slide over valleys that people do not live in.

These valleys are filled with dry cracking muddy ground during summer and ice during winter. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley slide on very smooth ground and leave a trail behind. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley are a magnificent phenomenon in the sense that they can take different turns around each other. As the years proceed, each stone takes its own different path. Via Izismile. Worlds Highest Escalator. The Strange Miniature Worlds of Matthew Albanese | Design + Idea. Strange Miniature Worlds Made of Cotton, Sugar and Spice Article by Steph, filed under Photography & Video in the Art category. Gazing at the portfolio of artist Matthew Albanese, you’re likely to marvel not just at his guts for getting so dangerously close to a tornado or erupting volcano, but luck for always seeming to be in the right place at the right time. But Albanese isn’t a storm chaser – the truth is even more interesting and impressive than that.

These incredible landscapes are actually miniatures made from everyday materials. Steel wool stands in for ominous clouds, salt for a waterfall blurred by motion, cotton for smoke and phosphorous ink for lava. Albanese even grew sugar crystals for a month to create the vaguely otherwordly look of an arctic landscape. It all started when Albanese accidentally spilled a tub of paprika and began seeing the colors and textures of a landscape in the grains.