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Etap 512 Books. LJQkrkf3Zz. MRYfaMK1Np. How Finland's Education System Succeeds, and America's is at War. Last year, three things happened almost simultaneously in the world of education reform: the films “Waiting for Superman” and “Race to Nowhere” came out, and Finland’s success at achieving the number one spot in educational outcomes (as measured by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] PISA report comparing the academic achievements of 15-year-olds in 57 countries) gained widespread attention.

How Finland's Education System Succeeds, and America's is at War

What these three things have in common is this: 1) They all concern education; 2) They were each in the news generating conversation and controversy. What’s interesting is what they don’t have in common. That two documentaries on schooling that came out within months of one another each garnered significant media attention and were widely viewed by the general public is interesting in and of itself. “Waiting for Superman” is a documentary that addresses “failing schools,” in which students are not acquiring the basic, foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. The Democratic Context of Public Education - home. Etap512group5 [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage.