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A Defense of Creationism    - Ver.2.2. "A Defense of Creationism"Go to: Introduction (Version 2.2) Copyright 1998-99, Paul Abramson, Most Rights Reserved ORIGINS - THE GENESIS (Section 1 of 27) You and I arrived on planet Earth only recently.

A Defense of Creationism     - Ver.2.2

Cities and languages already existed. Art and table manners were taught to us by others; and so was history. WHERE THE FUCK SHOULD I GO FOR DRINKS? Friendship. First published Tue May 17, 2005; substantive revision Fri Jun 21, 2013 Friendship, as understood here, is a distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern on the part of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the other's sake, and that involves some degree of intimacy.


As such, friendship is undoubtedly central to our lives, in part because the special concern we have for our friends must have a place within a broader set of concerns, including moral concerns, and in part because our friends can help shape who we are as persons. Given this centrality, important questions arise concerning the justification of friendship and, in this context, whether it is permissible to “trade up” when someone new comes along, as well as concerning the possibility of reconciling the demands of friendship with the demands of morality in cases in which the two seem to conflict. 1.

The Nature of Friendship.