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jacob wiens

im a very hard baller.


Tutorial: Rocket Science! (plus special announcement) Top 50 Anime Series of the Decade « Ha Neul Seom. Revolutionary Girl Utena: Adolescence Apocalypse would be my movie of the decade This decade is a very meaningful one for my anime fandom.

Top 50 Anime Series of the Decade « Ha Neul Seom

I started watching anime several years ago so naturally, vast majority of shows I have consumed were products of this decade. And as much as I enjoy writing and reading about anime, ultimately my fandom is defined by my favourite titles, which inspire and move me to write about them in the first place.


Magic. Music. Cool shit. Millennium Web Catalog. Millennium Web Catalog. Millennium Web Catalog. Millennium Web Catalog. Jane. Neuroscience. BrainSpan: Atlas of the Developing Human Brain. LUAKA BOP. Udacity - Free Classes. Awesome Instructors. Inspiring Community. Connivance. Auraria library. Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. ► Closer by Spiralmouth. Mermaid - short film by Aleksandr Petrov. 107 Best Websites. The internet is a big place, with a lot of content.

107 Best Websites

Over one billion websites at the time of writing. With the web constantly changing, it’s hard to keep track of which sites have the best content and resources. To help make things easier, we’ve compiled this enormous list of the best websites on the internet, split into their relevant categories. The websites on this list are those that we consider to be the best: genuinely useful, top-of-the-line sites (not apps) where you’ll find what you need. We update this list regularly, so check back occasionally, and be sure to tell your friends!

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