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Web 2.0 Stuff

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Pinterest EdTech. Evernote tips, tricks and how to's. Video tutorial. ICT & Web Tools. — Any file, in your website. Text, Images, Music and Video. A Teacher’s Guide To Web 2.0 at School. Web 2.0 tools. Social Media Workshop - Educational Technology Tools. How-to Week, Using Wikispaces. One of the things that I learned by presenting at MLTI's Summer Institute is that despite my belief that editing wikis and blogs should be core skills, there are a lot of teachers who don't know how to do those things.

How-to Week, Using Wikispaces

Therefore, each day this week I will post a tutorial about some of the basics of using blogs and wikis. Today's tutorial is about using Wikispaces. Embedded below is a slideshow outlining the basics of setting up a Wikispaces wiki. Embedded below is a video tutorial that I created about setting up a Wikispaces wiki.

Voki in Schools