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Wick John

Wick John is business marketing manager of "".It is a global B2B platform help's for mini businesses to connect Globaly. It is a official blog to share the marketing trends.

Bad Reviews: A Threat to Your Brand’s Online Presence - Tradekey. With the help of technological advancement, everything is moving at a faster pace.

Bad Reviews: A Threat to Your Brand’s Online Presence - Tradekey

If we talk about B2B marketers, then innovations in technology have given them better opportunities, along with challenges. On one side, marketers are much closer to their target audience. However, it has become pretty challenging to maintain a strong brand image. One poor or bad review published online can hurt your brand’s reputation significantly. B2B Marketing: How To Make Your Product Launch A Success - Tradekey. The business world is changing so fast that it seems practically impossible to create a position in a diversified era.

B2B Marketing: How To Make Your Product Launch A Success - Tradekey

However, there are so many techniques that will help you create a distinct spot for your business. One of such methods is B2B marketing. B2B marketing refers to the strategy in which one company sells products to the other company, which, after value addition, is sold to the end consumers. 5 Reasons to Invest in Video Marketing – Benefits of Video Marketing - TradeKey - Official Blog. How many videos do you watch daily?

5 Reasons to Invest in Video Marketing – Benefits of Video Marketing - TradeKey - Official Blog

Research has discovered that netizens watch over 500 million hours of videos on YouTube every day. 5 Ways AI Will Transform Your B2B Marketing Approach 2019 - TradeKey. Are you familiar with robots getting involved in performing tasks?

5 Ways AI Will Transform Your B2B Marketing Approach 2019 - TradeKey

If you aren’t, then maybe its time that you start studying about how you can use artificial intelligence to grow your business and revamp your B2B marketing plan. Machine learning or artificial intelligence is an innovative technology that allows programs and machines to operate and learn like human intelligence. In addition to gathering data analytics, AI is capable of actually responding to the data it collects. AI technology is proving to revolutionize entire industries like banking, eCommerce, medicine, and even B2B digital marketing.

With its capability to analyze data, learn from it and offer solutions, it has become a crucial game-changer in the modern B2B environment. 1. Running online ads has become a necessity for businesses operating in the modern environment. AI can make this process much more manageable. 2. Gamification: How the Hiring Process Has Evolved? - TradeKey - Official Blog. Gamification: What innovations have you introduced in your hiring process over the years?

Gamification: How the Hiring Process Has Evolved? - TradeKey - Official Blog

I’m pretty sure most of you will simply say that you’ve added a requirement test. Though a test is a healthy way of evaluating candidates, you can completely understand the skill level a person possesses with a one hour test. Even if you increase the number of interviews one has to give, you won’t be able to know if they’ll perform in the future or not. In the modern world, you have to introduce modern techniques like Gamification to evaluate the mindset, and skills of candidate.

Gamification is the process of converting an aptitude test which involves candidates to perform certain tasks and take important decisions in the form of a game. 1. There are strong chances that a candidate may not do so well in the first interview. Gaming assessments, on the other hand, have to ability to bring the best out of anyone. 2.

8 Types of Content To Use In your Next B2B Marketing Strategy - TradeKey - Official Blog. Content is King!

8 Types of Content To Use In your Next B2B Marketing Strategy - TradeKey - Official Blog

It is crucial for business owners who plan on growing and surviving the initial days. Why long term? There are lots of businessmen who want to get success overnight, but content lives forever. It takes time to create, but it’s worth the effort and time. Content marketing needs lots of efforts, time, creativity, and of course, money sometimes. Content marketing is by far the best strategy to connect with your audience, build healthy relationships, improve engagement, capture their attention, and improve brand image. You can’t avoid content marketing, as many brands are creating content that provides entertainment, solutions, events, and experiences.

Surprising B2B Social Media Marketing Stats 2019 - TradeKey - Official Blog. The modern B2B marketing environment is always on the move – tactics, technology and trends are never stagnant.

Surprising B2B Social Media Marketing Stats 2019 - TradeKey - Official Blog

Baidu SEO: How to Get Noticed in the Chinese Market - TradeKey. China has a population of over 1.4 billion.

Baidu SEO: How to Get Noticed in the Chinese Market - TradeKey

In addition, by 2022 it’s expected to cross 1.41 billion. That means, if you launched a Chinese business, you’d have the opportunity of targeting over one billion customers. However, when it comes to going online, your traditional Google SEO techniques become useless. Google is restricted in China. As an alternative, they use Baidu, the second largest search engine. Baidu is the Google of China, as it currently has more than 70 million daily active mobile search users. SEO vs SMM: Which One Should Businesses Choose? - Tradekey - Blog. SEO vs SMM: The Importance of Digital Marketing The 21st century is all about creativity and innovation.

SEO vs SMM: Which One Should Businesses Choose? - Tradekey - Blog

Look on the internet, look around you; every business you look into is striving and craving for new ideas just to have the edge over their competitors. The most efficient way of attracting your customers is to spend time and learn new techniques in digital marketing. There are no second thoughts that every business should now be using internet marketing if they want to survive in the market. The only question is what type of strategy they should be learning? For your ease, let’s compare the two most essential subsets of digital marketing these days, SEO and SMM and then decide which one every new business should focus on: 8 Powers Tips to Make Your Manufacturing Blog Effective - Tradekey. An excellent manufacturing blog has the strength to leverage both your traffic and leads.

8 Powers Tips to Make Your Manufacturing Blog Effective - Tradekey

In fact, many leading industrial suppliers actively publish content on their blog to attract a relevant audience by simply reflecting expertise in their niche. Outsourcing: Why is it Essential for Every Startup? - TradeKey. Are you aware of the two most common and essential factors that are usually responsible for the failure of an SMB or startup? Well, it’s the lack of resources and experience in your organization.

It’s not easy to hire the best team with exceptional talent and expertise expecting low salaries. Online B2B Trade Portal: Why B2B Companies Should Sign Up - TradeKey. Unlike successful and market leading B2B platforms, you don’t always have millions of dollars in your budget to boost your marketing and sales approach. In addition, small businesses also don’t enjoy the brand value that most established B2B companies do. However, you can still manage to grab the attention you need to survive in this competitive environment and generate handsome revenue by simply joining the best online B2B trade portal.

With the help of The Internet and various digital marketing strategies, you can comfortably promote your brand without having to spend all your budget. TradeKey Boosts Industrial Sourcing In China: Find Out How - TradeKey. TradeKey is known to be one of the top online B2B marketplaces helping international buyers connect with Chinese suppliers for over a decade. The purpose behind launching this B2B platform was that we understood the difficulties international buyers and suppliers were facing while trying to reach out to businesses across borders and sometimes even continents. However, thanks to our trade portal, businesses from across the globe can easily get their company listed and successfully boost industrial sourcing in China.

Our free to use B2B trade portal can help you find qualified manufacturers and suppliers in no time, though you’ll have to register your organization to avail our quality services first. However, once you are done with that, you’ll be able to view complete contact details of relevant businesses, their products, services and you can even get assistant from our representatives in connecting with the right buyers and suppliers. 1.

TradeKey has over 9.3 million registered users. Lead Nurturing: Learn How to Convert Daily Traffic into Leads - TradeKey - Official Blog. Are you aware of the fact that around 65% of businesses have stated that generating leads and traffic is their biggest marketing challenge? Export Risks: Risks of Exporting Manufactured Goods - TradeKey. Regardless of which nation you live in, the standard of living is improving. Multinational companies are spreading their wings and have more buying power than ever. In addition, due to the significant increase in global population, it is becoming challenging for local manufacturers to satisfy domestic demand with their limited supply.

In order to meet those demands, the nation has to import several consumer goods. On the other hand, to ensure the balance of payment and economic conditions are stable, these nations also export commodities. Alibaba B2B Competitors - Top 10 Online B2B Marketplaces - Tradekey. Are you looking for an opportunity to enter the global market?