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What is an outstanding PE lesson? Throughout my career as a PE teacher, SSCo, a PE subject leader and most recently, as an Assistant Vice Principal with responsibly for a Performance faculty, I often have discussions with school leaders and teachers about teaching and learning within this area, and the question I am asked most is “What is an outstanding PE lesson?” My answer used to involve a list of teacher jargon or buzzwords which would often include quoting the most recent research I had read or the keynote speaker I had listened to at the last PE and Sports college or Sports Partnership conference. My answer now involves just 3 simple statements: There is no formula for “outstanding”.Consistently good teaching becomes outstanding learning.Good teaching is more about you and when you do something, than what you do.

I am convinced when people hear this response they look at me and think “Cop out! Ofsted recently stated “there are many routes to excellence”. Typicality has become the key indicator in judging any lesson. GCSE PE [Flipped Learning Videos] GCSE Instagram. GCSE Physical Education. My GCSE PE. Gcse-pe-revision-guide.ppt. Course: GCSE PE Year 11. My GCSE PE. GCSE Bitesize - Physical Education. GCSE Physical Education | GCSE Physical Education brought to you. GCSE PE Revision flashcards. EDEXCEL GCSE PE.