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Purple prose: how to recognize it, and tame it. As a writer, you may want to give your reader evocative sentences and a sense of mood and atmosphere – but not at the expense of the story that you’re telling.

Purple prose: how to recognize it, and tame it

How can you distinguish between good writing and purple prose, and how do you eliminate the latter from your work? On learning that purple prose is something to be avoided, many people imagine a false dichotomy in which the only good prose is simple, straightforward and stripped-down. Mind Against - Atlant (Original Mix) You should avoid food like Baked beans,Broccoli,Brussels sprouts,Cabbage,Carbonated drinks,Cauliflower,Chewing gum,Fruits such as apples, peaches and pears,Hard candy,Lettuce.

I've Been Stupid For Months: 5 Ways To End A Dumb Spell. Recently, I haven’t been able to tell if there’s incessant chattering happening in my head, or if there’s nothing happening at all.

I've Been Stupid For Months: 5 Ways To End A Dumb Spell

As in: [Crickets]. Do you know what I mean by chattering? It’s not like I hear voices. (If this were a psych eval, this is the part where I’d laugh uncomfortably.) Chattering, to me, is having racing thoughts that overlap, and jump around, and change course so often that I’m left with a mish-mash of words and fragments.