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Drawing For Beginners. Drawspace: Now everyone can draw. Learn How to Draw with Easy Step by Step Tutorials. How to Draw & Paint Whatever You Want. Basic Color Theory. Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias.

Basic Color Theory

However, there are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful : The color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used. Color theories create a logical structure for color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can organize them by color and place them on a circle that shows the colors in relation to each other.

The Color Wheel A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art. There are also definitions (or categories) of colors based on the color wheel. Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blueIn traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purpleThese are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors. Color Harmony 1.

Art Books

Lives of the saints. Art and Craft Supplies. Fashion etc. Origami. Paper Models of Polyhedra. Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung. If you’ve been following me on Flickr for a while, you’ve probably seen this picture of Carambola Flowers before – I folded them ages ago!

Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung

But since my Pro account is going to expire in a few days time (and I don’t feel like upgrading it again), a lot of my old photos won’t be displayed anymore. So I decided it would be a good idea to share the very best of them on my blog! These absolutely beautiful origami flowers were designed by Carmen Sprung and I just love them! Each flower is made from a single sheet of paper, not from a square though, but from a pentagon. I would recommend using fairly thick and strong paper (80-90 gsm) to fold them – Tant origami paper will be just the right choice! Description Video tutorial presented by Sara Adams of Tags: Carmen Sprung, Floral. Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial. You’ve probably seen these little puffy origami stars before.

Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial

They are really quick to make, and you don’t need any special materials to make them. You can buy lucky star pre-cut strips from origami stores, but you can just as easily make your own from medium weight coloured paper, e.g. scrapbooking paper, or even strips cut from magazine pages – as the strips are so narrow, the original text or image won’t be obvious in the finished star. Anti-clockwise from top left: pre-cut strips, paper cutter, scrapbook paper, magazine page.

Now on to the tutorial! To give you an idea of size, I’ve made stars in 3 different sizes to show you: blue stars (from pre-cut strips): 35cm x 1.25cmpink stars (from a magazine page): 30cm x 1cmgreen stars (scrapbook paper): 15cm x 0.6cm The finished star will be approx 1.5 x the width of your strip, so pick an appropriate size for the size of star you’d like to end up with. For the rest of this tutorial, I will be using a paper strip cut from a magazine page. DIY Design Community « Keywords: DIY, pendant, lighting, paper. Remember those folded up fortune-tellers from your elementary school days?

DIY Design Community « Keywords: DIY, pendant, lighting, paper

Some kids called them cootie-catchers, but I never really understood the method behind the madness with that one. But I digress, because paper folding prowess was not in vain. Take a longing glance at this beautiful DIY faceted pendant sphere, completely covered in small fortune tellers! This project requires little more than printer paper and patience to complete, and would look stunning in an entry, a hallway, or a dining room. Visit the 3 Rs blog for a full how-to and get to folding! Art. Australian Art Prizes Planner - Discovery Media. Common Craft.