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10 Hidden Google Chrome Pages and What You Can Do With Them. Advertisement Using Google Chrome is easy: just enter your desired search term or URL and you’ll be surfing the web in seconds.

10 Hidden Google Chrome Pages and What You Can Do With Them

But if you want to be a true Chrome power user, you need to know how to access (and use) its hidden pages and features. Chrome holds more secrets than you might expect. Loading Or Crawling? Pinpoint The Extensions Slowing Your Browser. Advertisement Has your browser slowed to a crawl recently?

Loading Or Crawling? Pinpoint The Extensions Slowing Your Browser

Having too many extensions running is usually the cause. The more extensions you have running, the more memory your browser needs. If you find your browser experience agonizingly slow, you need to disable or uninstall the extensions using the most memory. 5 Ways to Stop Your Chromebook Slowing Down. Advertisement Has your Chromebook crawled to a halt?

5 Ways to Stop Your Chromebook Slowing Down

Is it slow to load pages? Is it slowing down generally? Why Chromebook Users Should Always Update in Guest Mode. Chromebooks are advertised as simple, cheap devices that are meant to do one thing: access the web.

Why Chromebook Users Should Always Update in Guest Mode

They’re quite good at this, and thus make perfect computers for those who doesn’t need much more than basic internet access. 5 Reasons Chromebooks are the Perfect Computer For an Elderly Person 5 Reasons Chromebooks are the Perfect Computer For an Elderly Person It's your granddad's birthday — but what should you buy him? You could get him socks (again), some gardening equipment, or perhaps a large bottle of whisky… Or you could buy him a Chromebook.

Read More. 5 Innovative Linux Operating Systems You Should Try Today. There are many, many Linux operating systems out there, variations upon a theme.

5 Innovative Linux Operating Systems You Should Try Today

Each one unique in their behavior, and appearance. In this flurry of operating systems however, a few stand out in regards to what they bring to the table. And the word for that can only be described as innovative. The Linux Kernel: An Explanation In Layman's Terms. Advertisement There are so many Linux distributions out in the wild, but there is only one de facto thing that they have in common: the Linux kernel.

The Linux Kernel: An Explanation In Layman's Terms

But while it’s often talked about, a lot of people don’t really know exactly what it does. Let’s take a look at what the Linux kernel really does and why it’s needed, with as few geeky terms as possible. What’s a Kernel?