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| The World's largest stock of Hydraulic Pumps! White House Products stock a range of hydraulic pumps, vane pumps, gear pumps, piston pumps, hydraulic motors and equipment.

The Top 5 Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Tips. Hydraulic cylinders are an essential part of numerous types of hydraulic systems.

The Top 5 Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Tips

They convert fluid energy into mechanical energy to perform work, such as lifting heavy objects. Hydraulic cylinders are also used to pull, push, or press objects together. For example, the brakes on your vehicle rely on hydraulic cylinders to engage the brake pads and bring the vehicle to a complete stop. How Does a Hydraulic Cylinder Work? How Does a Hydraulic Cylinder Work?

How Does a Hydraulic Cylinder Work?

Hydraulic cylinders are essential components found in various hydraulic systems. From construction equipment and aeroplanes to elevators and manufacturing presses, hydraulic cylinders can be found in just about every industry. The cylinders help perform the necessary work like lifting heavy objects or removing large sections of earth. Pascal’s Law and Hydraulic Cylinders Pascal’s Law is considered the foundation for hydraulics and hydraulic systems.

Hydraulic System Maintenance Checklist for 2021. Hydraulic System Maintenance Checklist for 2021 Numerous industries rely on hydraulic systems to get work done and take care of a variety of tasks, from heavy lifting to compacting and pressing.

Hydraulic System Maintenance Checklist for 2021

Hydraulic systems contain various parts and components. Just like other types of machinery, the parts and components do wear out and need to be replaced. A Guide to Different Hydraulic Control Valves for Hydraulic Systems. Hydraulic Equipment Safety Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Hydraulic Fluid Leaks. Hydraulic Equipment Safety Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Hydraulic Fluid Leaks Hydraulic systems are not designed to leak.

Hydraulic Equipment Safety Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Hydraulic Fluid Leaks

In the perfect world, this sealed system would operate optimally without any problems whatsoever. Yet, we don’t live in the perfect world, so hydraulic fluid leaks and hydraulic equipment failures do occur. The Top 10 Industries That Use Hydraulic Systems. The Top 10 Industries That Use Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic machines and equipment are all around us.

The Top 10 Industries That Use Hydraulic Systems

Hydraulic systems play a role in just about everything we do. Yet, many people do not even think about why hydraulics are useful, the impact hydraulics have on our lives, and how much harder things would be without hydraulics. As such, they think that hydraulic machinery is just limited to a few industries like agriculture or construction. Understanding the Functions of Manifold Valves in Hydraulic Systems. Understanding the Functions of Manifold Valves in Hydraulic Systems A hydraulic manifold is simply a block of metal with pressure inlets, service ports and low pressure outlets, onto which or into which other valves are attached.

Understanding the Functions of Manifold Valves in Hydraulic Systems

Knowing how each component works and interacts is essential to understanding hydraulic systems. A hydraulic circuit consists of motors, pumps, valves, and many other parts. The traditional type of valve connects via hose or steel pipe to other valves and the other components in the circuit. This results in lots of connections and therefore greater potential for leaks. The use of manifold valves has been evolutionary with the most basic being monoblock directional control valves incorporating inlet relief valves followed by anti-cavitation and service line relief valves. Provide shorter flow pathways: This reduces pressure drop and fluctuations in heat; energy efficiency is improved as well. How Does a Manifold Valve Work? Causes and Solutions for Hydraulic Fluid Contamination.

Hydraulic fluid contamination is normal when working with hydraulic systems.

Causes and Solutions for Hydraulic Fluid Contamination

Small particles of dust, dirt, and other debris commonly get into the system from one source or another. Water is another contaminant that can affect the quality of the hydraulic fluid. However, not addressing the contaminated fluid problem and not attempting to resolve the source of hydraulic fluid contamination can lead to serious hydraulic system failure. Considerable damage can be done to key hydraulic system components when the fluid is contaminated. Today’s modern hydraulic systems were not designed to handle insoluble particles carried in the fluid. As the contaminant gets pushed through the system, within the fluid, it will pass through various hydraulic system components where damage will occur. Analyzing the Causes of Hydraulic Pump Failure. When a reliable hydraulic system suddenly starts exhibiting problems, one of the first types of components most technicians assume may need to be replaced are hydraulic pumps, yet the pump should be the last component evaluated since it is often very time-consuming to replace.

Analyzing the Causes of Hydraulic Pump Failure

There are all sorts of “warning” symptoms a hydraulic system will exhibit long before pump failure. Some of the most common types are changes in the sounds the system makes while it is in operation. If the system suddenly starts sounding different from how it has before, this could indicate various types of problems. How Hydraulic Pumps and Valves Have Become Part of the Digital Age. Have you ever taken the time to think how much harder your work would be without the help of hydraulic pumps and valves?

How Hydraulic Pumps and Valves Have Become Part of the Digital Age

Without hydraulics, you would have to perform many tasks by hand or manually. Imagine lifting a two-ton object manually using a series of pulleys or having to dig a hole using just a shovel! Reducing the Effects of Contamination in Hydraulic Systems. Contamination can be introduced into hydraulic systems from a variety of sources.

Reducing the Effects of Contamination in Hydraulic Systems

It is impossible to remove all potential contaminants from a hydraulic system. Rather, the focus of operators, maintenance technicians, and others responsible for the daily use, maintenance, and repair of such systems is to develop solutions to reduce the number of contaminants as best as possible. Effects of Contamination Failing to implement the right preventative measures will almost certainly result in system failure due to contaminated hydraulic fluid. The results of contamination are: • Reduced System Performance• Pump & Motor failure• Greater Strain on Valves, Parts, and Components• Reduced Control over Flow and Pressure • Higher Levels of Heat Generated• Sticking of Parts• Seizing of Parts.

Noise Control in Hydraulic Systems. When hydraulic systems do not receive the routine maintenance they need, they become vulnerable to a number of major performance problems. Few of these issues are more annoying than excessive noise. A noisy system not only creates unnecessary disruptions in the workplace, it’s also the symptom of a potentially severe mechanical issue. Therefore, a hydraulic system that keeps emitting loud vibrations, knocking sounds, or other hard-to-ignore noises should be inspected at the earliest opportunity so the problem can be located and properly corrected. How to Reduce Hydraulic Fluid Contamination. Hydraulic systems are susceptible to a wide variety of issues that impede performance or even cause catastrophic failure, but, in many instances, there is a single root cause: the fluid.

It’s no exaggeration to say that issues with hydraulic fluid are associated with the majority of serious problems with this type of equipment. In turn, hydraulic fluid problems can be traced to contamination—that is, foreign matter that has been accidentally introduced into the oil (or other media used in the system). To avoid trouble, you need to keep contaminants out of your fluid, or—should that effort fail—figure out how to flush it out of the system as thoroughly as possible. Hydraulic Pump Troubleshooting Tips. From the oil refining sector to the automotive field, a lot of industries have come to rely on hydraulic systems for certain critical functions. Hydraulic systems—and the hydraulic pumps that serve as vital components within them—can be arranged in a varied range of forms. What these systems generally share in common, however, is a tendency to experience a decline in functionality over time. It’s just a fact of life for mechanical systems that consist of a variety of parts and components that must operate at peak efficiency for extended periods.

No matter how well designed the system may be, problems will eventually develop. The system may gradually lose pressure, become overheated, or even experience a catastrophic failure that makes everything suddenly stop dead. Glossary: Hydraulic Terminology Explained & Simplified. Glossary: Hydraulic Terminology Explained & Simplified For those individuals who have little or no prior experience with the world of hydraulics, it can be very easy to become confused by the specialised vocabulary commonly used in this industry. To aid our clients in familiarising themselves with the terminology they will frequently encounter, we have assembled the following list of definitions. This is not a comprehensive list of hydraulic terminology, and for purposes of simplicity we have avoided explaining matters in detail.