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Bespoke Letterpress Boutique. :::: The Inspired Bride™ :::: › Do It Yourself Project: Quilled Details by Ann Martin. Hello, everyone! I write to you from my brand new living room! We closed and moved in on Friday, and it’s been absolutely hectic around here. Expect me to continue to be a little slow on email for a few days, but if it’s absolutely urgent, direct message me or reply to me on Twitter. Today I’m turning IB over to Ann Martin, who is a fantastic paper crafter who specializes in quilling. She’s created some adorable ideas to get you started on incorporating quilled details into your wedding, so I hope you enjoy! Remember to consult her for custom pieces if you’re not up to doing it yourself – her work is lovely! Quilling, the art of rolling and shaping narrow strips of paper, has been around for hundreds of years.

Quilling tools and specialty papers are available from online suppliers, including Custom Quilling. What You’ll Need *Note: There are two types of quilling tools. To roll a coil with a needle tool, dampen fingertips and curve one end of a paper strip across the needle. Tips. So after my last attempt at printing with my photopolymer plate, I was a bit down. Not only was I not getting any impression, but the ink coverage was not good, and things were not going well.

So, I fired off an email with my photos to my letterpress instructor (Jim Rimmer) to see what he could tell me. So far, I have learned the following:My design has some larger solid areas. This is not something I was thinking about when I designed it, but I should have. For my first ever run on my press, I should have kept to line art or text perhaps, for better results.The paper I purchased was a bit too textured, causing some uneven coverage.A printer has to ink specifically for light type and heavy illustrations, depending on the job at hand.So, Jim suggested that I cut up my plate into sections - one for the bird, one for the berries, and one for the text. Last night I did just that and... EUREKA! The design I'm working on is for a New Year's card for my design studio clients. Daily inspiration. The Time Is Now handmade papercuts & illustration by thetimeisnow. Letterpress junkie — Home. Indie art and design - directory + blog for australian independe.

Sanna Annukka : Projects. Labuat.