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Where love is pearled, to share to the rest <3

Right Now. - StumbleUpon. Automatic Flatterer. Quote by Bob Marley: Only once in your life, I truly believe, you fi... 10 cost-free ways to show your partner that you care. It’s easy to fall back on the big moments to show your partner that you care. Skip to next paragraph Trent Hamm The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds – we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money. Recent posts Subscribe Today to the Monitor Click Here for your FREE 30 DAYS ofThe Christian Science MonitorWeekly Digital Edition You spring for a big gift on your anniversary.

You buy flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s Day. You help the kids create something special on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. The rest of the time, though, can easily be filled with complacency. The best way to keep a partnership on track is to make it clear on a very regular basis that you love, respect, and value your partner. Need some ideas?