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Australian Newspapers : Newspapers from Australia : Australian News. PubMed Home. The Australian Financial Review. Three games to help you pass time Sometimes all you want is a little something to pass the time. A simple to follow (if not always to complete) game without any complicated storylines or convoluted animated segues. The man behind Mad Men Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner is the slightest bit touchy about his reputation as a control freak. Personal data held by ACCC leaked Australia’s competition regulator has been hit with an embarrassing security lapse after its confidential email subscriber list was leaked online.

The Complete List | TIME Magazine - ALL-TIME 100 Novels. Welcome to the massive, anguished, exalted undertaking that is the ALL TIME 100 books list. The parameters: English language novels published anywhere in the world since 1923, the year that TIME Magazine began, which, before you ask, means that Ulysses (1922) doesn’t make the cut. In May, posted a similar list, of 100 movies picked by our film critics, Richard Corliss and Richard Schickel.

This one is chosen by me, Richard Lacayo, and my colleague Lev Grossman, whom we sometimes cite as proof that you don’t need to be named Richard to be hired as a critic at TIME, though apparently it helps. Just ask our theater critic, Richard Zoglin. For the books project, Grossman and I each began by drawing up inventories of our nominees. Once we traded notes, it turned out that more than 80 of our separately chosen titles matched. (Even some of the less well-known ones, like At-Swim Two Birds.) Even so, there are many titles we couldn’t fit here that we’re still anguishing over. Los Angeles Times. BBC News. BBC News Home Top Stories Trump to drop Iran deal, Macron says France's leader admits he may have failed to persuade his US counterpart to stick to the 2015 accord. Related content Video Five times Macron ripped into Trumpism President Emmanuel Macron used a speech to Congress to deliver several rebukes to his US counterpart.

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Dead author 'helped catch serial killer' Comedian Patton Oswalt says his late wife's bestselling book helped identify suspected California killer. Canada and the world. ABC SBS Review | Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. USA Today. The New York Times. CNN. ABC and SBS television. ESPN. CNET