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Transition_to_social_business_models.png (675×600) Social Business Model – The Sunflower. In order to tap into the true potential of social media, businesses will have to make a cultural investment – and begin the process of evolving into social organizations.

Social Business Model – The Sunflower

This integration of social communication within/across organizational ecosystems is becoming a more tangible possibly as companies and non-profits begin to embrace emerging technology while developing more strategic approaches to social media. There has been some great thinking and model development in the area of social business design. David Armano developed a compelling Hive Mind Visual during his time at the Dachis Group – it speaks to the need to move away from the information silo mindset towards a more collaborative approach, where sharing information across the organization becomes the norm.

Internal-SBS-ecosystem2.png (855×640) IBM Social Business - Social Platform for Cemex. Social Success - Harnessing the power of social media for your business. Nokia’s internal communication driven by social media. By Kelly Kass In a technologically savvy company like Nokia, it’s no surprise that they’ve been successfully implementing social media into their internal communications.

Nokia’s internal communication driven by social media

The company’s motto is connecting people and exploring ways to enhance communication. How to use social media internally to build your brand and business. Gagen MacDonald and APCO Worldwide recently launched this fantastic infographic that does a great job of delineating an overlooked aspect of social media engagement – the benefits of internal social media to a company and its employees.

How to use social media internally to build your brand and business

As readers of my blog know, I’m a huge champion of brand definition and purpose because that enables a company to be more meaningful to its customers lives. But too often brands fail to ensure internal alignment around a purpose, core values or mission, which means customers often hear one thing from a brand but experience another from its employees. Gagen MacDonald and APCO Worldwide do a great job of a teasing out where to start and what to focus on internally to avoid this pitfall. What stuck me about the first section below if how how executive leadership accounts for employees perception of internal communication.

At 75%, it is critical to get leadership buy-off on the need for a social media ecosystem within the company itself. 1. 2. 3. 4. Social Business Book: Smart Business, Social Business. Move Over Social Media; Here Comes Social Business. It takes extraordinary chutzpah to promote a vision before it can be fully realized by your audience, let alone your company. IBM did just that in 1997 when it introduced the notion of e-business. Fourteen years later, it is doing it again with a concept they call social business. Given its prescience about e-business, a concept that radically transformed how companies buy and sell their products, it is hard to dismiss their latest idée fixe. That said, getting your arms around this grandiose idea is not easy. Ethan McCarty, Senior Manager of Digital and Social Strategy at IBM, spent the better part of an hour with me explaining the ins and outs while providing specific examples of how IBM is testing various social business approaches both internally and externally.

Connections. Creating a new world of possibilities IDC ranked IBM number one in worldwide market share for enterprise social software for the third consecutive year.


IBM® Connections is a leading social software platform that can help your organization engage the right people, accelerate innovation and deliver results. This integrated, security-rich platform helps people engage with networks of experts in the context of critical business processes. Now everyone can act with confidence and anticipate and respond to emerging opportunities. IBM Connections deployment options include on premises, hybrid and in the cloud. IBM Connections can help you: How SOCIAL SITES make money [infographics]? Thanx to published a great infographics answering to one of the hottest question these days in social media.

How SOCIAL SITES make money [infographics]?

Do social network heavyweights make money? And… by the way… how? This infographic from USBundles shows how the most popular social sites have become successful businesses, while still serving up those check-ins and live-stream videos you love. Through its Venn Diagram, this infographic shows the multiple ways social networks make money. Google exists in three circles – the red ads circle, the blue paying customers circle, and the web apps circle. After you’ve had fun puzzling out which social companies make money in which ways, the infographic goes on to give us some pretty neat stats about the overall state of the social money-making ecosystem. For instance, a total of 77 percent of major social networks derive significant revenue from ads, while only 10 percent are pursuing new revenue channels. [Via:] Hulu Launches Desktop App, Forbids Use on Anything Other than PCs (Liz Gannes/NewTeeVee)

At this moment, the must-read stories in technology are scattered across hundreds of news sites and blogs.

Hulu Launches Desktop App, Forbids Use on Anything Other than PCs (Liz Gannes/NewTeeVee)

That's far too much for any reader to follow. Fortunately, Techmeme arranges all of these links into a single, easy-to-scan page. Our goal is to become your tech news site of record. Story selection is accomplished via computer algorithm extended with direct human editorial input. Our human editors are: Lidija Davis, Mahendra Palsule, Andre Garrigo, David Connell, Jarrod Cugley, and occasionally Omer Horvitz and Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera.

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