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Six Basic Principles

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6. Offering to God as per your talent or capacity. All of us have some kind of resources at our disposal. These have been given to us by God. A basic principle in spiritual practice is that we use these same resources to serve Him as part of our spiritual practice and grow spiritually. The resources we have fall broadly into four categories: 1. Our body 2. Our wealth and worldly connections 3. 4. Let’s look at these four aspects in a little more detail: 1. 2. 3. 4. In summary, the following points can be kept in mind: By consistently offering what we have to serve God as part of our spiritual practice, we grow spiritually. Who is a Guru? Clairvoyance, ESP, Sixth sense, Subtle perception ability. 5. It should be relevant to the times. Doing spiritual practice relevant to the times In all things in life there is a time for them to happen. If the right thing happens at the wrong time then the desired result is not achieved.

For example, if seeds are sown in the dry months instead of the rainy season, they do not take root no matter how fertile the land is. Similarly, certain spiritual practices are conducive according to the time or era. ^Top Satyayug: This was a very pure era when the average spiritual level of a person was 70% (this is the level of a Saint). These people were so pure spiritually that the Path of Knowledge was best suited to them as they had the potential to spontaneously understand the implied meanings of all spiritual scriptures. Trētāyug: This was the era when the spiritual level of the average person dropped to 55% and so they lost their potential to follow the Path of Knowledge.

Kaliyug: This is translated as the ‘Era of strife’ and is the current period. 4. According to Spiritual Level or Spiritual Capacity. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) uses the term ‘spiritual level’ to describe a person’s spiritual maturity or spiritual capacity. It acts as a scale to define spiritual growth and gives perspective on where we are in our spiritual journey. The higher one’s spiritual level the greater is the amount of God principle manifest in that individual. 2. The scale of spiritual level The SSRF uses a scale between 1 and 100% to describe spiritual level. 1% would refer to the spiritual level of an inanimate object, while 100% would refer to the pinnacle of spiritual growth for a person, which is Self-Realisation or being one with God.

The majority of people in the current era, which is Kaliyuga, also known as the Era of Strife, fall in the 20% spiritual level category. According to the science of Spirituality, a person who is above the 70% spiritual level is known as a Saint. Those Saints active in teaching Spirituality and nurturing seekers to grow spiritually are known as Gurus. 3. Who is a Guru?