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Deep Spirits. Wizard Baldour, Wisdom's Soft Whisper: A Manual for Sincere Wizards. Dimensional Consciousness [Archive] First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries. Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses. However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. If we could access this level of our unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common denominator, the individual molecules.

Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding. I feel myself upon the first step of my consciousness. Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line. In the Second Stage we are independent. Dimensional Consciousness. First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries. Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses.

However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. Quote: Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain, which directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions. Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume. The third dimension is known as the conscious world.


Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study + Xeno’s meditation technique. In a laboratory tucked away off a noisy New York City street, a soft-spoken neuroscientist has been placing Tibetan Buddhist monks into a car-sized brain scanner to better understand the ancient practice of meditation.But could this unusual research not only unravel the secrets of leading a harmonious life but also shed light on some of the world’s more mysterious diseases? Wow! I got shivers down my spine when I read this. I think because in my first and only day long meditation class, I discovered and explained to the group that rather than focusing only on the breath as was being prescribed, what works for me is to develop a dual perception of the breath along with your thoughts, the external along with the internal. This is the only realistic way to not let your mind wander. For the record, I’m told my ability to focus is very unusual. The way I see it, this study validates my discovery.

Try it: Test 1 (Standard meditation): Sit for 5 minutes focusing only on your breath. Results?

Humans Are Free.

What Is Orgonite? A Brief History of Orgone Research, The Advancements of Orgonite, Cloudbusting: Then and Now, The Orgonite Gifting Movement. A Brief History of Orgone Research In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg, Germany published the results of a blind study1 which showed that 30-minute orgone accumulator treatments caused consistent, positive psycho-physiological effects not seen with the all-fiberglass box used for a control, stating "the results received in our investigation furnish evidence for the assumption that the physical properties of the orgone accumulator and its psychophysiological efficacy on human organisms, postulated by Reich and his associates, factually exist.

" Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960's by more open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983), who also scientifically proved that such unseen energies indeed exist all around us, and who's Reich-inspired work led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military defense applications which utilized principles of so-called "torsion fields" (e.g., etheric energy). The Advancements of Orgonite. Clarification, Compromise & Expectation- creating great bonds. Notice how everything always seems to be so great in the beginning?

Whether it’s a new relationship, friendship or a job…because it is new, fresh and exciting we are vibrating on a higher frequency. It’s not because everything and everyone is so absolutely perfect. We are elevated by the excitement of it all! All the possibilities of what may come into fruition by this new venture. We then start to fantasize about what’s to come. We fall in love with the potential, and somewhere along the line we begin to expect things to go a certain way. If or when things don’t end up going as we had anticipated disappointment starts to set in and our resonating vibrations drop to a lower frequency. You become upset with your circumstances and blame the other person or employer for not living up to your expectations.

Make time to talk to the person about what it is that is upsetting you. Clarification and compromise have to come first, before there can ever be any expectation. Sharlene (6 Posts)