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Clean Crystals

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Clean quartz crystals before where. Cleaning quartz crystals. The larger and heavy crystals, I place on pallets on the that they don't break my screens.

Cleaning quartz crystals

The cluster on the bottom left is full of wet sticky clay, it will sit in the sun for a few days to dry and shrink the clay. Then, I will squirt it off with the water hose. I may have to repeat this process a couple of times to get all the clay out from in between all the points and crevices . Cleansing Gemstones - How To Clear And Cleanse Gemstones. Crystal Therapy: Healing with Crystals | A to Z Gemstones | Crystal Attraction | Choosing the Right Stones | Cleansing Your Crystals | Popular Gemstones | Crystal Altars Sometimes a stone or crystal you are strongly drawn to doesn't feel good, or a stone that felt good previously doesn't feel good now.

Cleansing Gemstones - How To Clear And Cleanse Gemstones

The stone or crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. KEISHA-LITTLE GRANDMOTHERS URGENT ADVICE TO USE QUARTZ CRYSTALS "NOW" by tatooke.