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Higher spiritual level. What is spiritual level? Clairvoyance, ESP, Sixth sense, Subtle perception ability.

Sixth Sense

Spiritual Practice. Various generic paths to Final Liberation from the cycle of birt. Some basic concepts in Spirituality: Spiritual Practice. Bliss. Bliss Bliss is a superlative state which is far above and beyond happiness. The happiness that we commonly refer to is in some way or the other related to the external world. Bliss, on the other hand, is an experience pertaining to the soul and is not related to external stimuli. In life we find that whatever makes us happy has the potential to make us unhappy. To understand this further, we have to study the media through which we can experience happiness. They are: The five senses: These are pleasures gained through the experiences of touch, taste, sound, smell or sight. Example: A person who loves ice-cream yearns to go to the ice-cream parlour. The mind: It is the part of one's thoughts that is linked with one's emotions (our emotions and thoughts are interwoven with each other – unhappy thoughts lead to unhappy feelings and vice-versa).

Example: What would be the most pleasurable emotion we could have? The intellect: This is our decision making and reasoning ability. ^Top.


Hierarchy of power in the universe. There are six types of power in the universe. The strength of the power increases with the power being more subtle. Let us examine each one of these types of power. 1. Physical: This is the lowest in the hierarchy of power in the universe as it is also the most gross. This includes power in things such as: Medicines to cure an illness – e.g. antibiotics to kill germs A physical weapon used to kill Financial power Political power It is the physical power that the common man has at his disposal. The limitation of this power is that it can act only at the gross/physical level. 2. 3. . ^ Top 4. Remembers you. 5. 6. << Back. Ghosts. Spiritual research on possession. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) trouble us for a number of reasons which have been explained in the article on ‘What is the objective of ghosts’.

They can affect us in many ways materially, psychologically and spiritually. (Please read the article on Examples of superficial causes and spiritual root causes of problems in our lives.) To remedy a problem in our lives that is caused by a ghost (i.e. a spiritual cause) we need a spiritual remedy. Practicing Spirituality and the resultant rise in our spiritual level is the key factor that protects and insulates us from the onslaught of an attack by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) The principle here is that whoever is stronger spiritually, wins. (Please read the article on What is spiritual level?) Let’s look at a few variations in how this principle works practically: Our first example is a person who through spiritual practice has achieved the 40% spiritual level.

From the above table we can see that: Footnotes: