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MMS - Eine ganzheitliche Therapie - Wirkung und Nebenwirkung › Gesundheitliche Aufklärung. Bio Oxidations Therapie. 1 ALA%20%20CA. Dr. Tullio Simincini. See: Cancer cured with baking soda & maple syrup!

Dr. Tullio Simincini

Destroying our fixed ideas about Cancer We watch in face the cancer: the seen tumor gives near. Interview to the Italian oncologist dr Tullio Simoncini. The cancer is a fungus. Listen and watch Dr. Dr. - Figure. The antioxidant paradox: less paradoxical now? - Halliwell - 2013 - British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. The term ‘antioxidant paradox’ is often used to refer to the observation that oxygen radicals and other ROS are implicated in several human diseases, but giving large doses of dietary antioxidants to human subjects has, in most studies, had little or no preventative or therapeutic effect [32].

The antioxidant paradox: less paradoxical now? - Halliwell - 2013 - British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Reactive oxygen species are formed in vivo and cause oxidative damage (true) Many types of ROS (including the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, OH•) are formed in vivo and cause damage to biomolecules (‘oxidative damage’; reviewed in [5]). Such damage occurs constantly in vivo, and cells must repair it (DNA, proteins and RNA to a limited extent) or replace the damaged molecules (lipids, proteins to a large extent and RNA to some extent) [3, 33–35]. Indeed, defects in repair processes that allow oxidative damage to accumulate can contribute to disease development and the ageing process [5, 33–35]. 5-231.pdf. Wenner_2013.pdf. Article1380812855_Shalaby%20and%20Shanab.pdf. 608-46.pdf. Antioxidants: Beyond the Hype. Table of Contents Introduction The body’s trillion or so cells face formidable threats, from lack of food to infection with a virus.

Antioxidants: Beyond the Hype

Another constant threat comes from nasty chemicals called free radicals. They are capable of damaging cells and genetic material. The body generates free radicals as the inevitable byproducts of turning food into energy. Free radicals come in many shapes, sizes, and chemical configurations. Molecular and biological mechanisms of antioxidant action. Gems_2009.pdf. 1293.pdf. Cell. TNE-18Antioxidants.pdf. Joints&OxidativeStress. Role of oxidative stress in diseases needs to be re-evaluated: Preventive detention for oxidizing agents. Oxidative stress is believed to cause a number of diseases.

Role of oxidative stress in diseases needs to be re-evaluated: Preventive detention for oxidizing agents

Up to now, it has been common practice to measure oxidative stress levels by determining the oxidation state of a small molecule called glutathione in cell extracts. Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) have been the first to discover that cells under stress deposit their oxidized glutathione in a cellular waste repository. This protects cells from oxidative stress -- and questions the validity of the conventional measuring method. Cancer, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis -- the list of diseases which have been linked to oxidative stress is long and even includes the very process of aging. Biomarkers of Oxidative Damage in Human Disease. + Author Affiliations ↵aAddress correspondence to this author at: Department of Biology, University of Milan, via Celoria 26, I-20133 Milan, Italy.

Biomarkers of Oxidative Damage in Human Disease

Fax 39-02-50314781; e-mail Abstract Oxidative/nitrosative stress, a pervasive condition of increased amounts of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, is now recognized to be a prominent feature of many acute and chronic diseases and even of the normal aging process. However, definitive evidence for this association has often been lacking because of recognized shortcomings with biomarkers and/or methods available to assess oxidative stress status in humans. Increased oxidative/nitrosative stress generally describes a condition in which cellular antioxidant defenses are inadequate to completely inactivate the reactive oxygen species (ROS) 1 and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) generated because of excessive production of ROS/RNS, loss of antioxidant defenses, or both.

Role of oxidative stress in diseases needs to be re-evaluated: Preventive detention for oxidizing agents. Oxidative Stress, Prooxidants, and Antioxidants: The Interplay. Los Radicales Libres y las defensas antioxidantes.Revisión. Radicales libres de oxígeno y su relación con enfermedades específicas del embarazo. La paradoja del oxígeno es conocida en biología desde hace tiempo, pero sólo se ha comprendido de forma reciente.

Radicales libres de oxígeno y su relación con enfermedades específicas del embarazo

A pesar de que el oxígeno es esencial para la vida, demasiada cantidad o un metabolismo inapropiado de éste puede ser tóxico para las células y el organismo1. Antioxidantes Portal Antioxidantes Primer Portal de Antioxidantes, Alimentos y Salud en el Mundo de Habla Hispana. La evidencia científica acumulada durante las últimas dos décadas indica que, más allá de las promesas iniciales de retardar el envejecimiento, los antioxidantes al ser consumidos bajo la forma de alimentos tienen un importante potencial para reducir el desarrollo de aquellas enfermedades que actualmente más afectan a la población mundial (enfermedades cardiovasculares, tumorales y neuro-degenerativas).

Antioxidantes Portal Antioxidantes Primer Portal de Antioxidantes, Alimentos y Salud en el Mundo de Habla Hispana

Como resultado de tal reconocimiento, los antioxidantes han pasado a ser crecientemente considerados por la población como Moléculas cuyo consumo es sinónimo de salud. En la presente sección se abordan aspectos fundamentales relacionados con la definición, clasificación, mecanismos de acción y principales acciones biológicas promovidas por los antioxidantes. Se revisan además conceptos relacionados con el rol que cumplen los radicales libres y el estrés oxidativo en salud y patología humana. Chapter 17. Dietary antioxidants: a consideration of factors influencing requirements. Nutrients with an antioxidant role The need for biologic antioxidants Pro-oxidant activity of biologic antioxidants Nutrients associated with endogenous antioxidant mechanisms Nutrients with radical-quenching properties A requirement for antioxidant nutrients References Nutrients with an antioxidant role The potential beneficial effects from antioxidants in protecting against disease have been used as an argument for recommending increasing intakes of several nutrients above those derived by conventional methods.

Chapter 17. Dietary antioxidants: a consideration of factors influencing requirements

If it is possible to quantify such claims, antioxidant properties should be considered in decisions concerning the daily requirements of these nutrients. This section examines metabolic aspects of the most important dietary antioxidants - vitamins C and E, the carotenoids, and several minerals - and tries to define the populations which may be at risk of inadequacy to determine whether antioxidant properties per se should be and can be considered in setting a requirement. 04-2001-12. Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. Int-J-Biochem-Cell-Biol_2007.pdf. Untitled. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health V Lobo, A Patil, A Phatak, N Chandra Department of Botany, Birla College, Kalyan - 421 304, Maharastra, India.


Roles-of-free-radicals-in-the-toxicity-of-environmental-pollutants-and-toxicants-2161-0495.S13-e001.pdf. Handbook of Free Radicals: Formation, Types and Effects. 02e7e522ac5100cb21000000.pdf. 1293.pdf. Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. SAJB-22110-118.pdf. 101.velavan.pdf. FreeRadical - Education. MiFRA-06.pdf. Article%20021.pdf. Free radicals and antioxidants: updating a personal view - Halliwell - 2012 - Nutrition Reviews.

Jact04i3p218.pdf. 2167-0390-SR-413. ROS in Aging Caenorhabditis elegans: Damage or Signaling? 1939-4551-5-1-9. 00b4952836adacc5f3000000. InTech-Oxidative_stress_cause_and_consequence_of_diseases.pdf. High dose of oxygen enhances natural cancer treatment. April 4, 2011 A technique Michael Jackson reportedly used to prolong his youth is showing promise as a way to boost the effectiveness of a natural cancer remedy.

High dose of oxygen enhances natural cancer treatment

An environment of pure oxygen at three-and-a-half times normal air pressure adds significantly to the effectiveness of a natural compound already shown to kill cancerous cells, researchers at the University of Washington and Washington State University recently reported in the journal Anticancer Research. Annual wormwood, Artemisia annua L., yields the important antimalarial drug artemisinin. Researchers at UW and WSU are exploring its ability to treat cancer.Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service, In the new study, using artemisinin or high-pressure oxygen alone on a culture of human leukemia cells reduced the cancer cells growth by 15 percent.

Oxygen toxicity, oxygen radicals, transition metals and disease. The pro-oxidant chemistry of the natural antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids. A Division of Toxicology, Wageningen University, Tuinlaan 5, 6703 HE, Wageningen, The Netherlandsb WU/TNO Center for Food Toxicology, P.O. Box 8000, 6700 EA, Wageningen, The Netherlandsc TNO Nutrition and Food Research, P.O. Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands Received 2 August 2001, Revised 17 December 2001, Accepted 19 December 2001, Available online 25 January 2002 Choose an option to locate/access this article:

‎ Cancer a Redox Disease. ISIS Report 12/04/12 Cancer cells are universally disturbed in their electronic energy balance, an understanding that potentially revolutionises cancer therapy and prevention Dr. Mae-Wan Ho A fully referenced and illustrated version of this article is posted on ISIS members website and is otherwise available for download here Please circulate widely and repost, but you must give the URL of the original and preserve all the links back to articles on our website.

The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment. Posted: 07/15/2014 | back to all posts Keith I. Block, MD Scientists from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are criticizing antioxidants again. As you may recall, about 18 months ago, Nobel Prize winner James Watson published a paper saying antioxidants are bad for cancer patients, and that antioxidant-rich blueberries amount to nothing more than a natural “junk food” that are OK to eat because they taste good, but not because they are healthy for you. Last week Dr. Tuveson actually poses a rather interesting mechanism for dealing with the ROS mischief: find some antioxidants that stop the production of ROS in the mitochondria in the first place.

What is the evidence that they cite for the harmful effects of antioxidants? Introduction to free radicals and the oxygen paradox: oxidative stress in biology, aging & disease. Howes M.D., PhD., R. (2007). The Consequent Downfall of the Free Radical Theory. PHILICA.COM Article number 75. Randolph Michael Howes M.D., PhD. (Plastic surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore) Published in AbstractThe validation of a scientific theory requires that it encompasses predictability for future experimentation or observations. Failure to do so, invalidates or falsifies the proposed theory. Harman’s free radical theory has repeatedly failed to demonstrate scientific predictability for over a half a century. Article body Introduction.

SALUD SIGLO XXI: LA QUIMERA DE LOS ANTIOXIDANTES. "Nuevos experimentos contradicen ideas tan veneradas como que el daño oxidativo provoca el envejecimiento o que las vitaminas podrían preservar nuestra juventud" Melinda Wenner Moyer La vida de David Gems dio un vuelco en 2006 al descubrir un grupo de gusanos que se mantenían con vida en contra de todo pronóstico. Como ayudante del director del Instituto para el Envejecimiento Saludable de la Universidad de Londres, Gems estaba realizando experimentos con Caenorhabditis elegans, un nemátodo que suele utilizarse para estudiar la biología del envejecimiento.

Deseaba verificar si la acumulación de daños celulares causados por la oxidación (la extracción química de los electrones de una molécula por parte de compuestos muy reactivos, como los radicales libres) era el principal mecanismo responsable del envejecimiento. Levine AA Cancer H2O2.pdf. Oxidative metabolism in cancer growth : Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. ETH Zurich: Publications. Lugar de coincidencia en Internet. Ascorbic acid and tetrahydrobiopterin potentiate the EDHF phenomenon by generating hydrogen peroxide. + Author Affiliations *Corresponding author. ‎ Pro-oxidant. Pro-oxidants are chemicals that induce oxidative stress, either by generating reactive oxygen species or by inhibiting antioxidant systems.[1] The oxidative stress produced by these chemicals can damage cells and tissues, for example an overdose of the analgesic paracetamol (acetaminophen) can fatally damage the liver, partly through its production of reactive oxygen species.[2][3]

Are polyphenols antioxidants or pro-oxidants? What do we learn from cell culture and in vivo studies? The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment. ‎ Oxidative Stress, Prooxidants, and Antioxidants: The Interplay. Antioxidants and Pro-oxidants: Two Sides of the Same Sword. Heads or tails, the yin and the yang – there are two sides to everything, and the same can be said for the ‘antioxidant’ debate. Antioxidant Primer: Potential Health Benefits of Antioxidants and Pro-Oxidants. So much is said about antioxidants these days. The public has been educated to believe antioxidants are generally beneficial when consumed in foods and dietary supplements.