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Stars for Streetlights. Things From Diva "Tutorial for graduation skin + hair + make. Prometi que o tutorial de hoje ia ser caprichado, não foi? Pois junto com as fotos da maquiagem dos olhos, tem imagens também da preparação da pele e de um penteado simples e bonito para quem tem cabelo fininho. Lembra que fiz uma barganha que se eu conseguisse ficar entre os 10 mais votados no STB Discover ontem, faria um segundo tutorial aqui hoje como forma de agradecimento? Pois já havia passado da meia noite, mas a 00h45 eu estava no top 10 (dança da alegria). Por isso, hoje a noite entra um segundo tutorial e para todo mundo que votou em mim, fica o muito obrigado!

O esquema por lá continua firme e ainda dá para votar, só clicar no coração do lado do meu nome, vale um voto por dia. A ideia dessa maquiagem é que sirva para uma festa a noite. Olá, essa sou eu sem maquiagem, com direito a olheiras, manchas e espinha no nariz. Depois usei o corretivo Pro Longwear da MAC (cor nw20) em volta dos olhos, em cima das espinhas e manchas vermelhas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fim. Nail Art Tutorial: Pink + Black Designs. Materials needed: -Pink Nail Polish -Black Nail Polish -Nail design tool (with round pointy metal to create dots) -Base coat -Top coat or dry polish Step 1: Brush the pink polish onto the tip of the nails like so... step 2: Use the tool and dip the end into the black nail polish.

***I found it's actually easier if you place a little bit of the nail polish onto your hand or napkin and use the tool to dip from there*** Step 3: Start making dots on your nails along the pink line... Step 4: Alternating between big dots and small ones... This is how it should look like... Finish look :) PIN IT UP, GIRL. Our email box is literally flooded with requests for updos so here’s a fun one to get us all going! This is always a favorite for attending an event. This updo looks gorgeous on any hair color but particularly amazing with hilighted hair because it gives the hair lots of depth and dimension. For lack of a better word, I love the way it becomes “swirly”. Best thing is; it’s easy to do, gorgeous and keeps your hair out of your way for the night. I made this a printable tutorial, so all of the steps are next to the photos.

Enjoy! Tools you’ll need: curling iron (to prep the hair with waves), sectioning clips, teasing comb or brush, clear elastic rubber band, bobby pins, light to medium holding hairspray (to mist over at the end). Tags: bride, bridesmaid, date, hair, hair style, hair tutorial, how to, kristin ess, kristin ess hair, lauren conrad, prom, sister, special occasion hair, the beauty department,, tutorial, twisted, updo, wedding, wedding hairstyles. How to make wrapped leather bracelets « Rings and Things. Triple-wrap leather bracelet with blue tigereye beads Let me begin by stating the obvious – this style of wrapped leather bracelet is EVERYWHERE this season.

Everywhere! Even my athletic clothing catalogs – which only have maybe three pieces of jewelry – are featuring this style. Why? Because it is casual yet chic and infinitely customizable! The catalog (which shall remain nameless) priced each bracelet at $120. Needless to say, you can make your own for far, far less using supplies from Rings & Things! Five different leather wrapped gemstone bracelets designs: green opal, mookaite, African turquoise, hematite and rhodonite The supply list is pretty short: 4-6mm round beads We used gemstone beads, but glass, crystal beads or pearls would also be lovely.

Wrapped bracelet made with green opal gemstone beads and natural Greek leather. The technique: Choose your bracelet length and cut your leather. Other design options: Have fun creating your own wrapped bracelets! Need supplies? :::: OutsaPop Trashion recycled style DIY fashion eco sustainable refashion blog ::::: DIY Pajama eaters. R4y2r.jpg (JPEG Image, 788x3110 pixels) How-To: The Cascade/Waterfall Braid. The waterfall braid also known as the cascade braid recently exploded as the new "trend braid" of the season. The waterfall effect looks cool and complex, but it's easier to style than you think. Give this beautiful braid a try when Beautylish takes you through the how-to!

Section Off The waterfall braid works best on straight or loose waves. Brush out all the knots with a wide tooth comb. Part your hair how you normally would, and begin your braid on the right side of your part. Braid As Usual Braid your strands regularly three times, beginning from the right strand. Drop the Strand This is where it gets tricky. Step and Repeat Repeat this process—French braid the left strand, drop the right strand, and pick up an adjacent new piece. Pin and Secure Once you've reached a comfortable point to stop your braid, secure it to your scalp with bobby pins. Fishtail It! Braid the remaining piece of hair left from your cascade into a fishtail braid. Accessorize. Stainless Steel Facial Hair Remover.

Para habilitar los descuentos por volumen en este sitio, utilice el código de cupón: BULKRATE durante el pago. Verá aparecer un descuento aplicado en la parte inferior de la cesta de la compra. Precios competitivos disponibles. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para más detalles. ¿Qué es el Bulk Rate? BulkRate es un sistema semi-mayorista con artículos con precios separados de la venta al por menor.

Al utilizar Bulk Rate, una tasa registrada de $ 1,70 será añadida automáticamente como tarifa de correo aéreo a su carrito para asegurar la entrega del paquete. Aunque la intención del BulkRate es ofrecer precios más baratos cuando se compran grandes cantidades, ya que tiene un precio distinto que en ocasiones muestran un precio superior al original. ¿Quiere obtener aún más? O contacte directamente con nosotros. Welcome - asuyeta [ah-soo-yeh-tah] clothes & accessories. handmade with love.

Make-up Magnet Board. We all know with craft blogs that original ideas are often hard to come by, we find ideas we love and make them our own but we didn't come up with the idea ourselves. I feel like I've finally done something original here and I'm excited about it. I'll show you the finished product and then explain. Behold my Make-up Magnet Board. I have a friend who is beautiful and stylish and has always loved make-up but recently took a course that intensified her love. Her renewed interest has worn off on me and it made me remember eye shadows I'd hidden away that were gathering dust.

I pulled them all out and was shocked at just how many I had. The basket was a mess and I was overwhelmed with all my choices never knowing what to use, digging through to see what I had and find what I wanted was a pain. I painted it (The hard way, with a brush instead of spray paint. I went to the hardware store and picked up some metal and had them cut it to fit inside my frame. Here comes the brilliant part though. Headband Makeover {How to Make a Bow} Mrs. Priss Headband Makeover {How to Make a Bow} Feb01st2010 Supplies: Headband (mine was busted)Ribbon (I used 7/8″ wide for this size bow, but you should adjust measurements below according to ribbon width)ScissorsHot Glue Gun (If you’re wondering, I’m gazing down at my toilet.)

Let me know if you make one! Other tutorials: Bib Clips: A Simple DIY for Moms Anthropologie Floral Necklace Anthropologie Bonheur Necklace Tags: bow crafting crafts diy headband tutorial Categories: DIYs and Tutorials Me Being Crafty Personal Related Posts Dainty Flowers for Your Hair – Yeahhh, it’s another tutorial.I came up with these flowers one day when I was in a crafty mood...DIY – Anthropologie Inspired Flag Bunting NecklaceI absolutely love this necklace, but with the $70 price tag I was like, ummmmmm…...Anthropologie Bonheur Necklace TutorialA few months ago (okay, six), I posted a photo of an Anthropologie-inspired necklace I... 50 Comments Thus Far.