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Tips to Convince a Child to Move to a New Home

06 october 2017

Tips to Convince a Child to Move to a New Home

When you and your partner have decided to move into a new house, the first obstacle you may face is to convince your baby of the new atmosphere. The reason could be your baby is already happy in your home now, plus it is so familiar with peers in the environment. In fact, not infrequently the baby will be a little upset about hearing about the plan to move house. Therefore, before deciding to move home, it is better since long ago you start to apply some tips from <a href=""></a> below.


1. Before the transfer day, communicate to the child the reason why the family has to move home. Explain to them around the new residential location by creating small maps that are easily understood by children.

2. If possible, invite them to visit the new house and let them see the arrangement of the room. Ask for their opinion about the color of the bedroom wall paint before moving house.

3. Visit the area around the new house several times before you move, and know the location of the park or play area around the house. Invite the children to play there so they are memorized by the location of the dwelling and not curious about the new environment.

4. Give the children the responsibility to pack their essential items into a box or cardboard box. Take advantage of this moment to explain to them that this is the last time the little boy lives in his room and will soon be occupying his new room.

5. To be easy to find, enter the box or box that contains the child's belongings to the truck/tub later open. Thus when you get to a new home, you can simply move it into the child's bedroom.

6. Prepare also a box that holds the essential needs of all family members for the first night while staying in a new home. The contents include tissues, nightgowns, toiletries, and towels. So when you arrive, you can process of arrangement of goods until the next day.

7. If possible, you can ask for help from friends or family to pick up the little one and invited to stay at their home. So you can focus on continuing the process of demolition and structuring of goods until the new house is ready to be occupied.

8. Make your child busy with a variety of fun activities in a new home. Make a positive impression by inviting them to play, making a celebration party, or cooking a cake together. When you feel comfortable, your little one will soon be ready to welcome the neighbors with joy and get to know their new friends.