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Antibody Resource Page | how to search for an antibody supplier. This section is concerned with how to find antibodies using free online search tools that allow the user to search mulitple companies at once. With these services the antibody search often can be narrowed by species, antigen, type (e.g., primary or secondary), etc... The output is typically a list of multiple companies that sell a particular kind of antibody. This "catalog of catalogs" approach tends to make the search for antibodies more efficient and are a good place to start.

However, if you cannot find your antibody from this page, do not forget to see our antibody suppliers section which highlights the areas of speciality for companies that sell antibody-related products. If you wish to suggest or update a link, please click here. Use the search box or links above - Find the antibodies you need right here. DESYs KworkQuark - Teilchenphysik für alle!


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