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Special Promotional Pricing - House Cleaning Services - Weekend Maids. Close By using and/or placing an order for service on (online or via phone), you agree to the following terms and conditions: With 30+ years of experience, Weekend Maids understands the urgency that last-minute bookings brings about.

Special Promotional Pricing - House Cleaning Services - Weekend Maids

Same-day / Next-day bookings are processed in the order in which they are received by our dispatching team.. Any reservation made through our website or over phone is not confirmed until you have received a specific date and time from our scheduling/dispatching team. If you do not respond in time to a confirmation communication, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation. Weekend Maids Referral Agency accepts bookings based on time, not by the job. Because every service is unique to the customer's priorities and the condition of the property, the actual cleaning time may vary. An online booking constitutes a reservation for a requested date and time frame. It is NOT a confirmed booking until you hear from us. House Cleaning & Maid Services Riverside County Weekend Maids. Deep House & Carpet Cleaning Weekend Maids. General House Cleaning Services for New & Expectant Mothers San Diego Weekend Maids.

Professional Real Estate Cleaning Service 2020. Weekend Maids has a long-standing reputation in real estate.

Professional Real Estate Cleaning Service 2020

Whether you are a REALTOR®, property manager, broker, estate manager, or a private owner managing rentals, Weekend Maids can help you with your house cleaning, window cleaning, and carpet cleaning needs. Countless real estate professionals rely on Weekend Maids to prepare for showings, arrange for a courtesy cleaning once escrow closes for the seller, or arrange for a deep cleaning before the buyers move into the property. We also assist with rentals – whether it’s for a turnover housecleaning between tenancies, or maintenance cleanings in occupied units, as is often required in newer leases. Professional Outside Window & Screen Cleaners Weekend Maids. Maid & Carpet Cleaning Services Weekend Maids. Hire Spring Valley Maids Services Weekend Maids. House Cleaning Services Oakland CA 2020. We have coverage of all major areas of Oakland, including from Jack London Square, Redwood Heights, Dimond District, Fruitvale, Lower Hills District, San Antonio, Elmhurst, Lake Merritt, Piedmont, and Oakland Hills.

House Cleaning Services Oakland CA 2020

Customers rely on Weekend Maids for vacancy cleanings (move-in & move-out), regular house cleanings, deep spring cleanings, and vacation rental cleanings. Maid & Carpet Cleaning Services Weekend Maids. Hire Spring Valley Maids Services Weekend Maids. House Cleaning Services Oakland CA 2020. Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning Services San Diego 2020. Qualified House Cleaning Professionals. Same Day Maids & House Cleaning Services Oakland. We are a top-rated house cleaning and carpet cleaning agency serving Oakland for over 30 years. We are Your Local Preferred Choice for House Cleaning.

Same Day House Cleaning Services in San Diego at Weekend Maids. San Diego House Cleaning & Maid Services. Top-to-bottom Spring House Cleaning Weekend Maids. Sometimes a general house cleaning just isn’t enough.

Top-to-bottom Spring House Cleaning Weekend Maids

Sometimes you need that extra few layers to be peeled back so that the home is clean from the inside out. Customers have many motivations for a top-to-bottom or Spring cleaning. The kids are back to school after a busy summer and parents want to celebrate with a thorough cleaning of the home. Extended family is visiting and the house needs to look spotless. AirBNB Turnover CLeanings Weekend Maids.

We have over 3 decades of experience with vacation / short-term rental house cleanings.

AirBNB Turnover CLeanings Weekend Maids

In fact, we were servicing customers for turnover services long before AirBnb and VRBO became common household names. We understand the importance of house cleaning and how it fits into the guest experience for your properties. Deep House & Carpet Cleaning Weekend Maids. Carpet & Move-in Cleaning Weekend Maids. 6 Ways to Lose Weight Weekend Maids. Are you looking to lose weight this year?

6 Ways to Lose Weight Weekend Maids

Here are some tips that can hopefully help you into dropping some pounds! This may seem obvious, but cutting back on Carbohydrates and Sugars is a crucial component of losing weight. Once you start reducing your Carbs, your body will start to burn fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates. Another benefit of cutting down on carbs is that it can lower insulin levels. This causes your kidneys to get rid of extra sodium and water stored in your body. This may be surprising but some fruits and vegetables aren’t the best aid in helping you lose weight, but there are many that are great for a healthy diet! It is also very important to eat a lot of protein when in the process of losing weight. Health Benefits of Spices Weekend Maids. Spices are an important part of our life, they add flavor to our meals, but there are many other benefits that spices have.

Health Benefits of Spices Weekend Maids

Here are just a few benefits of spices that you might have in your kitchen: Turmeric is a well known spice used all over the world. Curcumin, a main active ingredient in turmeric can be very beneficial to our bodies in ways including powerful anti-inflammatory and a very strong antioxidant. Curcumin can be as or more powerful than anti-inflammatory medicine! Unfortunately, Curcumin is only about 3% of turmeric and it doesn’t get absorbed very easily into the bloodstream, so it’s best to take turmeric with black pepper. Cinnamon is also a spice used all over the world in cooking and baking. How To Keep Yourself Busy During These Crazy Times Weekend Maids. We realize the monotony of staying indoors is taking its toll.

How To Keep Yourself Busy During These Crazy Times Weekend Maids

If you choose to follow protocols for a bit longer, we have some ideas to help you stay ‘occupied’ during those bouts of monotony. Here are several ways that may help you relax and pass the time in the coming days and weeks. You may have heard that coloring is good for relaxation, but do you know why? Coloring can help to relax the part of your brain that controls fear, the amygdala. The state that coloring brings to your brain is similar to that of a meditating mind. Quarantine is also a great time to get fit and work out. Another great way to pass the time is to create a photo album or photo book. Coupons Weekend Maids. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

Coupons Weekend Maids

Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Hire Spring Valley Maids Services Weekend Maids. Maid Services California Weekend Maids.

We have coverage of all major areas of San Jose, including San Jose and the South Bay, from Willow Glen, Rose Garden, Los Gatos, West San Jose, Campbell, Downtown, and Little Saigon.

Maid Services California Weekend Maids

Professional House Cleaning & Same-day Maid Services San Francisco Weekend Maids. We have coverage of all major areas of San Francisco, including Oakland to Milpitas, San Jose to South San Francisco. Same Day House Cleaning Services Oakland CA. Hire Spring Valley Maids Services Weekend Maids. Top-rated Maid & Carpet Cleaning Service Weekend Maids. Maid Services Riverside County Weekend Maids. House Cleaning & Housekeeping services East Bay Area - San Francisco Weekend Maids. We have coverage of all major areas of San Francisco Bay Area – East Bay, including Oakland to Milpitas, San Jose to South San Francisco, Fremont and Newark to Walnut Creek and beyond.

House Cleaning & Maid services South Bay Area - San Francisco Weekend Maids. We have coverage of all major areas of San Francisco Bay Area – South Bay, including Oakland to Milpitas, San Jose to South San Francisco, Gilroy to Saratoga. Customers rely on Weekend Maids for vacancy cleanings (move-in & move-out), regular house cleanings, deep spring cleanings, and vacation rental cleanings. We provide affordable and timely service for homeowners, tenants, students, home buyers & sellers, realtors, property managers, apartment managers, film production companies, restoration companies, builders, contractors, vacation rental owners, and everything in between.

We have coverage of all major areas of San Francisco Bay Area – South Bay, including Oakland to Milpitas, San Jose to South San Francisco, Gilroy to Saratoga. Deep House & Apartment Cleaning Services San Francisco - Upper Peninsula Weekend Maids. Top-rated Move-Out House & Carpet Cleaning Services Los Angeles CA Weekend Maids.

We have coverage of all major areas of Los Angeles, including San Fernando Valley to San Gabriel Valley down to Orange County, your fellow Angelinos. Customers rely on Weekend Maids for vacancy cleanings (move-in & move-out), regular house cleanings, deep spring cleanings, and vacation rental cleanings. 4 Cleaning Rules to Keep Your House Clean All Throughout the Year Weekend Maids. When it comes to cleaning, everyone follows their own house cleaning schedule as well as having particular cleaning habits and their own choice of cleaning products. As diverse as our cleaning preferences may be, there are certain general rules that we should all follow in order to keep our houses clean and organized most of the time.

Best Domestic Wash & Folding Clothes - Laundry Maid Services San Diego Weekend Maids. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 3 Good Reasons to Keep Your House Clean (Despite The Lack of Motivation) Although we all enjoy a clean and organized house, many of us simply can’t find the time (or motivation) to clean the house on a regular basis, but the truth is that keeping everything clean is usually not that hard if you keep a simple house cleaning routine, plus, it has many benefits and there are many good reasons why you should at least tidy up a little every day. Here are 3 reasons to keep your house clean despite the lack of motivation. 4 Simple Rules to Deep Clean Your Kitchen. Although a general house cleaning is often enough to leave your kitchen sparkling clean, sometimes what the kitchen really needs is a deep clean, and although it is recommended to get a top-to-bottom detailed house cleaning every 3 months, twice a year is good enough to maintain your kitchen, however, this will depend on the use you give it and how well you maintain it in between cleanouts.

Deep cleaning your house might sound like too much to handle, but the most important thing is that you don’t get overwhelmed and that you keep your focus on what matters most, so if you think your kitchen might benefit from a deep cleaning continue reading. Top-rated Move-Out House & Carpet Cleaning Services Los Angeles CA. Same Day House Cleaning Services Orange County. Home Cleaning Service San Diego County. House Cleaning Service San Diego & Los Angeles. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

5 Incredibly Delicious & Healthy Breakfast Toasts. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, however, due to the high-paced american lifestyle, in which we don’t always have the time to sit down and enjoy a good and healthy breakfast, or to calmly sip a cup of coffee, or where we don’t even have time to get the house cleaning chores done, we end up having just anything that can fill our stomach for a couple of hours, regardless of whether it is healthy or not. Luckily, there is a way to end with this vicious habit and it’s incredibly easy. Here are five delicious and healthy breakfast toast recipes that are also very simple to prepare when you’re in a rush: 1.

Banana, peanut butter & sunflower seeds. Popular Houseplants that Are Easy to Take Care Of. Indoor plants are something that many people don’t often think about when they’re trying to make their home a more stress free place. But evidence shows that houseplants benefit your mental and emotional health. 4 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Closet. If you’re suffering the syndrome of “too many clothes, yet nothing to wear”, it’s probably time to declutter your closet. Even if you make a regular cleaning, closet cleaning and organization is oftentimes neglected because of the hard work and dedication it requires. Fortunately, we have come up with four easy-to-follow steps to get rid of excess clutter in your closets and with minimum effort. 1.

Basic Rules To Keep Your Home Clean & Organized For Longer. If you feel your home gets dirty very fast, you’re not alone. Regardless of the size of your home or the number of people who inhabit it, if the house is not being cleaned on a regular basis, it will get dirty in little time. Ready to Rent House Cleaning. Preparing a property for a transaction can be a taxing experience. Before & After Party House Cleaning.

Preparing for a party requires weeks and months of preparation. How to host a party without wrecking your house or apartment. 7 Self Care Tips. General House Cleaning Services for New & Expectant Mothers San Diego. How to Clean Your Closets. Cleaning Tips for New And Expectant Mothers. 7 Ways to Stay Warm in Cold Weather. Dust-free Construction & Restoration Clean-up Services in San Diego. Best Domestic Wash & Folding Clothes - Laundry Maid Services San Diego. Dry & Steam Cleaning Services San Diego. Professional Outside Window & Screen Cleaners. Professional Real Estate Cleaning Service. Being Productive In The New Year.