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Ashley Bryan

Ashley Bryan is an Internet Strategist and SEO professional based in Queensland, Australia, with 20 years’ experience in the field. He actively writes on topics of personal interest or for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. View his websites: and

Rodents In New Zealand: How Big A Pest Are They? Currently, New Zealand is home to three invasive species of rat.

Rodents In New Zealand: How Big A Pest Are They?

These species include the Pacific rat which arrived from Polynesia around the 12th century, the ship rat which arrived near the end of the 1700s and the Norway rat which can be traced back to about 1860. All of these rat species prey on native lizards, insects and birds and are said to be responsible for a notable decline and relevant extinction of many native species. History of Rat Infestation Up until the 13th century, New Zealand’s only land mammals were bats. The native birds had nothing to fear from predators and became extremely docile. The 40 Ft Shipping Container And Possible Uses. Are you looking for quality new or used shipping containers for sale in Sydney or the greater New South Wales region?

The 40 Ft Shipping Container And Possible Uses

Tiger containers – a leading supplier of shipping containers in Australia – can help you get the right container for your intended use or project. With more than 30 years in the shipping container industry and tonnes of satisfied customers to boot, you can rest easy with Tiger Containers as your experienced and dependable partner. We’ll get your shipping container to you in record time regardless of where you’re located in Sydney. We provide delivery services to the Northern Beaches, North shore, Sutherland Shire, Western Suburbs, Eastern Suburbs, Hills District, Blue Mountains, and many more areas in the greater Sydney region and the state of New South Wales.

Shipping Containers For Sale In Sydney. Look To Tiger Containers. Are you looking for quality new or used shipping containers for sale in Sydney or the greater New South Wales region?

Shipping Containers For Sale In Sydney. Look To Tiger Containers.

Tiger containers – a leading supplier of shipping containers in Australia – can help you get the right container for your intended use or project. With more than 30 years in the shipping container industry and tonnes of satisfied customers to boot, you can rest easy with Tiger Containers as your experienced and dependable partner. We’ll get your shipping container to you in record time regardless of where you’re located in Sydney. We provide delivery services to the Northern Beaches, North shore, Sutherland Shire, Western Suburbs, Eastern Suburbs, Hills District, Blue Mountains, and many more areas in the greater Sydney region and the state of New South Wales. The Benefits of Possum Traps. While they can be a cute species, Possums can cause a few problems.

The Benefits of Possum Traps

For example, they can affect your garden, stealing fruits and upsetting dogs. If this is the case, you will be able to use a range of deterrents to stop possums from entering the area. However, they might also crawl inside roof spaces. Once inside the roof, they can damage the property. They can also be very difficult to remove. More Humane One of the biggest benefits is that these traps are very humane. Legal Requirements In some parts of the world, you might be legally required to trap the possum, rather than killing it. The Importance of Local SEO For Sunshine Coast Businesses. Learning how to use local SEO is becoming an essential part of doing business.

The Importance of Local SEO For Sunshine Coast Businesses

This is even more important for organizations that operate in busy population centers, like the Sunshine Coast. Visiting Rarotonga? Kikau Hut is a must for great dining. If you’re visiting the Cook Islands, either for pleasure or business, there’s a high likelihood that you’ll find yourself on Rarotonga Island.

Visiting Rarotonga? Kikau Hut is a must for great dining

Rarotonga is home to the Cook Islands’ capital and is the most populous of the nation’s Islands with a resident population of about 15,000. Here on the island of Rarotonga, you’ll be amazed to discover that a single road – the Ara Tapu Road – takes you everywhere you need to go on this paradise destination. In addition to the sandy beaches and other tourist attractions the road will take you to, this go-everywhere road will also take you to one of the country’s gems when it comes to culinary experiences: Kikau Hut. Kikau Hut is an à la carte restaurant in Arorangi, Rarotonga that caters to the world taste with an infusion of authentic Rarotonga flavour. In addition to its sites and scenes, Cook Islands is also renowned for its unique culinary flavours – and the best place to experience this part of the culture is no other than Kikau Hut.

Investing In Property - Why This Is a Great Option To Grow Your Wealth. Real estate or property investment has created huge chunks of wealth for more billionaires than any other investment category.

Investing In Property - Why This Is a Great Option To Grow Your Wealth

While the 2008 financial crisis might have brought bad publicity to the category, the recovery that followed in subsequent years and the large number of people currently making their fortunes from the sector proves that this was only a minor bump. A combination of capital appreciation, consistent cashflow and tax subsidies have made property investment a wise option to build a foundation for wealth creation and retirement savings. And billionaires are not the only ones who can make great returns from property investment. Commercial Solar Bollards – Best Uses. Common in most urban areas and public spaces, bollards are short posts used to create a physical barrier between different sections of an area.

Commercial Solar Bollards – Best Uses

While they’re rarely noticed, these modern fixtures play important roles in providing security and guiding traffic. Initially, bollards were posts used for mooring marine vessels. The term was later expanded to include posts that guide traffic – both vehicular and pedestrian - outdoors. The fixtures are usually designed to either enhance or blend into the environment in which they’re in. In the early days, it was common to find decommissioned cannons buried halfway to create bollards. What to do if you are in a Car Accident. You may be the most careful driver that you know, but there will be a day where you will be involved in a car accident when you least expect it.

What to do if you are in a Car Accident

That is why it is called an accident because it happens suddenly, and we have no control over it. On average, there are about 150 crashes a day in Western Australia alone, ranging from fender benders to serious crashes in which both parties are seriously injured. So many people are affected by car crashes and when you are directly involved in one, you must fulfill several obligations and duties. What to do at the Crash Scene After the accident has occurred, assess yourself. Always move vehicles away from the roadway if the accident is minor so that traffic can move by freely and you don’t cause a backup. Read A1 Driving Schools, Driving Guide What Details Need to be Noted?

Drivers who have been in a crash are obligated, by law, to provide their name and address. After the Information is Exchanged What About Injuries? Why Credit Checks are key to Protecting your Business Against late Payments and bad debt. When you have a small business there is a certain amount of time that goes into the administration of finances.

Why Credit Checks are key to Protecting your Business Against late Payments and bad debt

Late payments can occupy a large amount of time and resources of a small business because you are constantly sending out payment reminders and worrying about being paid. When you can offer credit to your clients you will also increase your sales, but this can come with a bigger risk. Business Credit checks are a key component to the protection of your business against late payments by clients and dealing with the subsequent bad debt that ensues. Risks Involved with Offering Credit. Local SEO - Why This Is More Important Than Ever. While anyone with the least bit of knowledge about internet marketing knows about search engine optimisation (SEO), few people are aware of local search engine optimisation and the immense benefits it could provide to their business. Image from WebsiteStrategies Local SEO is search engine optimisation aimed at making your business visible in local search engine results (SERPs).

When locally optimised, your business will appear in SERPs for search queries that contain the words “nearby”, “local”, “name of city or locality” and other words that indicate to Google that the user is looking for a business that operates close to where they are performing the search from. “Can my business benefit from local SEO?” You might be asking yourself.

And with ever increasing competition in the global SEO realm, local SEO is now more important than ever for local small businesses that want to pull free traffic from search engines such as Google. Orca Solar Lighting: Specialist Commercial Outdoor Lighting Company. Are you looking for quality new or used shipping containers for sale in Sydney or the greater New South Wales region? Tiger containers – a leading supplier of shipping containers in Australia – can help you get the right container for your intended use or project. With more than 30 years in the shipping container industry and tonnes of satisfied customers to boot, you can rest easy with Tiger Containers as your experienced and dependable partner. We’ll get your shipping container to you in record time regardless of where you’re located in Sydney. We provide delivery services to the Northern Beaches, North shore, Sutherland Shire, Western Suburbs, Eastern Suburbs, Hills District, Blue Mountains, and many more areas in the greater Sydney region and the state of New South Wales.

Guide To How Tiger Containers Can Help You With A Shipping Container Modification. Other than transporting cargo, shipping containers are useful for a myriad other purpose. With the necessary modifications an ordinary shipping container can be quickly turned into a building, store or other useful facility for domestic or commercial use. Although reusing or converting shipping containers into different structures through modifications has been done for decades since the invention of the intermodal container, it’s only in the new millennium that the trend has really peaked. This is mostly thanks to the ever-expanding global trade that produces an abundant supply of containers.

As well as changing lifestyles all over the globe as people become more environmentally responsible. 13 Ways To Fail Your Driving Test In New Zealand. To acquire a restricted driving licence or a full driving license in New Zealand, you’ll be required to take and pass a practical driving test meant to gauge your ability to drive competently and safely. Passing this test is not guaranteed. Statistics show that up to 40% of all Kiwi learner drivers fail their practical driving exam for either the restricted or full licence. Failing your practical driving licence is a pain because it means having to reschedule and retake the test which can be hugely inconveniencing.

Creditworks For Credit Checks In New Zealand. In a world where credit dominates business transactions, the ability of a company to protect itself against bad debts can be a matter of success or failure. It’s through the effective management of debts can a company succeed and thrive in the modern business environment. In New Zealand, the task of managing debt is made a lot easier for companies thanks to the presence of Credit Referencing Bureaus (CRBs).

CRBs are entities that collect and maintain debtor data in publicly accessible databases to help businesses evaluate the risks associated with extending credit to their clients and customers. How do CRBs work? The premise of the CRB is quite simple and easy to understand. Common Shipping Container Modifications. 10 Tips for a Healthy Dog. Your dog’s health is important, from the moment he is a puppy until he ages into a senior dog. Property Investing Traps. How Customer Care Helps Online Businesses. Customer care should be a priority, it keeps your customers happy, knowing that they are important. WebsiteStrategies – SEO for Australian Businesses. Why Pestrol Rodent Free NZ is the Most Effective Rodent Deterrent. A1 Driving School For Driver Training In Auckland: webstratskb — LiveJournal. Back To Basics: The Benefits Of A Corporate Credit Check In New Zealand: webstratskb — LiveJournal.

Businesses all over the world rely on credit for their day-to-day operations, and New Zealand companies are no exception. Benefits of Shipping Container Farms and Greenhouses : webstratskb — LiveJournal. Possum Traps - A Humane Solution To A Problem Pest: webstratskb — LiveJournal. Possum live traps provide property owners with a humane solution for getting rid of a common and stubborn pest without causing the animal harm or causing any unintentional damage both to the environment and other wildlife. 8 Things First Time Investors Should Know About Property Investing: webstratskb — LiveJournal. Amusing Your Dog While Under Isolation: webstratskb — LiveJournal. Moving to Online Selling: Top Tips: webstratskb — LiveJournal. Benefits of Using “Google My Business”: webstratskb — LiveJournal. DIY vs. Professional Rodent Control: Compared: webstratskb — LiveJournal. What Baby Accessories can do for Your Bubs: webstratskb — LiveJournal.