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Learning japanese // Aprendre le japonais

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Langue | Matcha et Sakura. Lorsqu’on apprend le japonais, on est souvent ravi d’avoir des outils complémentaires pour nos révisions en dehors des livres. La langue japonaise est très complexe et les aides sont précieuses, mais l’offre est immense et pas toujours à la hauteur. Voici donc trois sites internet que j’aime beaucoup et qui m’aident pour les devoirs ou mes révisions. 1- Le défi d’Erin Voici un très bon site pour apprendre le japonais à partir de zéro ! Le défi d’Erin 2- LiveMoka Voici un site un peu particulier. LiveMoka 3- Denshi Jisho Ah les dictionnaires ! Denshi Jisho. Remembering the Kanji I: A Complete Course on How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Japanese Characters Vol. 1 4th Edition (Japanese Edition) (9784889960754): James W. Heisig. Learn Japanese: Mary had a little lamb in Japanese. Les langues, c’est pas pour les nuls, ou 17 raisons d’aller causer aux étrangers.

Comme disait Pierre Desproges, les étrangers sont nuls. Mais comme il l’a aussi dit dans un autre contexte, il faut bien vivre avec. J’ai toujours été très intéressé par l’apprentissage des langues, je me sens donc en complète cohérence en accueillant aujourd’hui Solal, l’énergique blogueur d’Astuces Langues, afin qu’il nous expliquent en quoi s’intéresser aux parlers étranges et incompréhensibles peut avoir un quelconque intérêt.

Solal est un passionné qui partage régulièrement ses trucs et méthodes pour apprendre les langues étrangères plus efficacement sur son blog. Après l’anglais et l’allemand et le japonais, il s’est lancé un nouveau défi: apprendre l’espagnol en 6 mois et quasi gratuitement. Je lui laisse à présent la parole. Le maître des lieux s’efforce ici de vous donner les clés d’une vie moins conne et je me suis dit qu’il serait de bon ton d’aider à compléter le trousseau. Je sens que je vous ai un peu perdu là. Avoir l’air intelligent (ou l’être tout court): Avoir une vie: Japonêsです: Why There Are So Many Japanese People in Brazil. If you live in South America and love Japan, then a visit to the Land of the Rising Sun might be closer than you think.

Well, kind of. Brazil is not only the home to awesome things like bossa nova and Pelé, but the biggest Japanese population outside of Japan is – believe it or not – in Brazil. About 1,500,000 ethnic Japanese people live in Brazil, and have been there for over a hundred years. But why Brazil, of all places? How did so many Japanese find themselves 10,000 miles away from their homeland?

Why? It seems like practically every post I write I talk about the Meiji Restoration; and for good reason. The Meiji Restoration is a Big Effin’ Deal when it comes to modern Japanese history. The structural reforms of the Meiji Restoration had put Japan in a pretty tenuous situation. The historically Japanese neighborhood of Liberdade in Sao Paulo, Brazil Few Japanese went to Brazil with the intention of staying there for good, but planned on returning back to Japan later.

Discrimination P.S. Actionable Ways To Make Japanese Obvious To You [Obvious] In this series of “obvious” posts, we’ve gone over several things. First, we talked about epiphanies and how to get them. Then we went over confusion, and why it’s such a good thing. Lastly, we looked at conscious competence to show you why you’re having trouble (as well as the four stages one goes through to reach the “obvious-land”). Now, instead of talking about theory and the steps one goes through in order to reach “Japanese-is-obvious” levels, we’re going to talk about solid things you can do (and do right now) that will get you to this oh-so-awesome mountain peak of Japanese learning. The Long, Difficult Trail First, before we start, I just want to mention that the path is long. There is good news, though – the longer you stick with it, the stronger your legs will get (paralleling your mind, and how it gets stronger as you practice learning, in this case, Japanese).

Now, if you had a giant mountain or hill to climb, what do you think the best way to do it is? Get A Good SRS. Language Labs - Translator Bookmarklet. Apprendre une Langue Etrangère en 7 Règles | Dans le monde anglophone on qualifie de « hack » beaucoup de choses. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de ce que les francophones en ont fait. Pour nous un hacker est un vilain méchant filou qui télécharge des tas de chansons pour… les écouter WOW !!! « Hack a language » signifie donc trouver des moyens pour apprendre une langue beaucoup plus vite qu’en temps normal. Le temps normal dont je parle ici, ce sont les 8 années de ma scolarité que j’ai passé à apprendre l’allemand. 2 semaines après mon bac, il ne restait pour ainsi qu’une phrase « Ich spreche nicht deutsch » = « je ne parle pas allemand ».

Sans plus attendre, voici les hack les plus importants à connaitre pour apprendre l’anglais, l’allemand et en fait n’importe quelle langue étrangère. Number One : Pour apprendre 4X plus vite, apprenez par phrases et pas par mots. De nombreuses études montrent qu’apprendre des mots étrangers est plus difficile que des phrases. Number Three : Lire c’est bien, écouter c’est encore mieux. Comment ? 10jan. The Kana, They Are A-Changin’ Bob Dylan, esteemed Japanese linguist Languages are always changing. The English that you and I speak today is almost completely different than that English people spoke a hundred years ago, and it’s even a little different than the English people spoke in the 90s. (Who says “tubular” anymore?) Japanese is the exact same way, but some people don’t really realize how much Japanese has changed. Reform! Why does language change?

There isn’t really an organization in Japan equivalent to the Academy of the Hebrew Language, but over the years there have been efforts by the Japanese government to curate the Japanese language. Post-War Changes In 1946, right after WWII, the Japanese were open to all sorts of big change. Dammit MacArthur, what’d I say about using romaji?! Some Japanese wanted to adopt another language altogether. Lots of people were fine with Japanese, but wanted to streamline the language a bit more. But it wasn’t just kanji that was changed after the war. The Kana You Never Learned. Goroawase: Japanese Numbers Wordplay (i.e. How To Remember Japanese Telephone Numbers) Goroawase means “wordplay” but I think it’s quite a bit more interesting than that.

In English, when I think of “wordplay” I think of comedy’s highest and most elegant form of humor: Puns. In Japanese when I think of wordplay I think almost purely of mnemonics (wordplay that helps you to remember things better). If you spend any time in Japan, you’ll see goroawase everywhere, especially in phone numbers. Want to learn how to use Goroawase for this, and other things as well? Read on. [box type="info"]This post is probably going to make the most sense to people who are at a high-beginner (though probably more like intermediate plus) level of Japanese.

Goroawase And Phone Numbers One cool thing about Japanese is that there are basically multiple ways to read some of the same things and there are also multiple alphabets being used (don’t know about this? On’yomi reading(s) of numbersKun’yomi reading(s) of numbersEnglish reading(s) of numbers Here’s some examples! 8=ハ 8=ハ 2=に 0=オ 1=イ 4=シ 1=イ. The Japanese Alphabets.

“When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off.” - Vanna White There are going to be a few people out there (most likely not you) who are going to immediately say “the Japanese don’t use ‘alphabets,’ they use ‘syllabaries,’ duh!” Before you do that, let me talk about something really quick. This also gives me a great opportunity to talk about something interesting about learning and education (as well as how TextFugu is different). “The Curse Of Knowledge” is when someone knows too much about a subject. When you’re a kid, you learn that electrons circle the nucleus just like planets circle the sun. That being said, I’m using the word “alphabets” to describe the syllabaries that make up the Japanese language. TextFugu is all about associating new knowledge with things you already know about, whether they be common knowledge or something you just recently learned via the Text.

The first step is to be able to identify the four. . ← なぜ 前 → Image Source. How Japan Compares With The World In English Proficiency. When it came to Japanese Cartography, we found out that Japan lagged behind a bit. So what about other things, like English Language Proficiency? Education First recently released their report on worldwide English language proficiency, showing some interesting results. Instead of talking about the Japanese language today, I thought it would be interesting to talk about the English language in Japan (and the rest of the world).

How does Japan compare? How They Tested “English Proficiency” One of the main challenges faced was that there’s not “standard” way across every country to test English Proficiency. One thing to note is that they tested adults. Where Japan Stands One thing to take into consideration is the test itself. Overall, compared to the other countries tested, Japan was number 14 out of the 44 listed. Click for bigger view (or download the study, link at the top of this post) As you can see, Europe did pretty well on these tests, which makes sense. 100 mots japonais qu’il faut connaître (Attention à l'encodage des caractères) Vous souhaitez partir au Japon pour 3 mois ou 1 semaine? Alors avant de partir il est important de connaître un minimum de vocabulaire pour vivre au quotidien sereinement au pays du soleil levant et faire face aux petits tracas qui pourraient arriver. Voici une sélection de 100 mots très utiles qui vous permettront de vous faire comprendre par les japonais.

En cas d’urgence トイレ (toire) = les toilettes 手洗い (tearai) = des toilettes où l’on peut se laver également les mains 助けて (tasukete) = à l’aide わかりません (wakarimasen) = je ne comprends pas やめて! 英語 (eigo) = Anglais (si vous souhaitez communiquer dans une langue étrangère autre que le japonais, il y a de grande chance que votre interlocuteur ne connaisse que l’anglais) 服 (fuku) = vêtement 死にそう (shini sou) = je me sens très mal (littéralement « j’ai l’impression que je vais mourir ») 警察 (keisatsu) = la Police 危険 (kiken) = Danger (Ces kanji sont souvent inscrit sur les panneaux à l’entrée de zones prohibées ou dangereuses) Poser une question どうした? なに?

Méthodes d'apprentissage de japonais // Japanese learning method

Ecrire japonais // Writing japanese. Films, manga animés et "drama" en japonais. Sur iPhone et Androïd. Apprendre le japonais sur Nintendo DS. Web facile // Web easy to understand. Prononciation. Prononcer le japonais ? Facile ! JLPT Kanji Project.