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Enseignement supérieur (ressources communes)

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Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Les concours d'entrée en Lettres et sciences humaines. KIRKE - Klassische Philologie in Europa. Mulhouse. Montpellier (CERCAM) Réunion. Cincinnati. Department of Classics. Classics: The Quintessential Liberal Arts Degree Classics, the study of Greek and Roman civilization in the broadest sense, is the original and quintessential liberal arts degree.

Department of Classics

The field is inherently multidisciplinary and provides access to a cultural continuum spanning over three millennia up to and including the present day. See pictures from Latin Day 2017 Classics majors at UVM can study Greek and Roman culture in the original languages and/or take an array of English-language courses that cover a wide area: mythology, epic and lyric poetry, drama, satire, art and architecture, historiography, political theory, and philosophy.

The special research interests of UVM's Classics faculty also inform the department's curriculum.

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