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CSS3 Generator. Six Useful CSS3 Tools. CSS3 continues to gain popularity as we’re seeing it used in more and more websites. However, there are still those out there that are holding out on learning it and using it. This is probably due to the fact that it’s not fully supported yet in all browsers. Nevertheless, if you’re one of those that haven’t started using CSS3 or you’re a CSS3 pro just looking to speed up your work flow, here are six CSS3 tools that you should find useful. CSS3 Button Maker The CSS3 Button Maker gives you a number of sliders and color pickers to style your own CSS3 button. CSS3 Generator Select from a list of CSS3 properties, fill in a few parameters to fit your needs, and it spits out the generated code along with a live preview.

CSS3 Please! CSS3 Please! CSS3 Gradient Generator The CSS3 Gradient Generator was created as a showcase of the power of CSS based gradients as well as a tool for developers and designers to generate a gradient in CSS. CSS3 Transforms CSS3 Selectors Test About the Author Related Posts. 11 Killer CSS3 Text Effects to replace Photoshop. HTML5 & CSS3 Support, Web Design Tools & Support ~ FindMeByIP ~ CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement Experienced developers understand that CSS3 can be added to new projects with progressive enhancement in mind. This ensures that content is accessible while non-supportive browsers fall back to a less-enhanced experience for the user. But developers could face a situation where a client insists that the enhancements work cross-browser, demanding support even for IE6. In that case, I’ve collected together a number of options that developers can consider for those circumstances where support for a CSS3 feature is required for all versions of Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7, & IE8 — all of which are still currently in significant use).

Opacity / Transparency I think all developers are baffled at why Internet Explorer still fails to support this very popular (albeit troublesome) property. The Syntax You really only need the second line, which works in all versions of Internet Explorer. The Demonstration This is the same element without the opacity settings. The Drawbacks Box Shadow. Pimp Your Tables with CSS3. Today I am going to show you how to use some neat CSS3 properties to beautify your tables.

With so many new selectors we can address specific table cells and rows in order to create a unique style without adding classes to the markup. We will be applying the -webkit and -moz […] View demoDownload source Today I am going to show you how to use some neat CSS3 properties to beautify your tables. We will be applying the -webkit and -moz gradients for creating a great look without images and learn how to insert content into elements with a specific class. Let’s start with the markup. The Markup The following will be our basic table structure: We have all the elements a table needs, a header, a body and a footer. CSS Table 1 The first table will be in green tones with some gradients for the descriptive cells, the “th” elements. We want to have some space between the table cells, so we will make the border-collapse separate. The th elements of the head will have the following style: CSS Table 2. 50 Awesome CSS3 Animations. CSS3 has brought some amazing new features.

And the most fun is playing with the CSS animation. Here is a compilation of 50 CSS3 animation that allows you to perform many motion-based functions normally Delegated to JavaScript. In order to view this effect, you are required to have WebKit browsers like Safari and Chrome ( very sorry for the users of Internet Explorer ) 1. CSS3 Clock With jQuery Use the basic features of the CSS3 Transform: rotate. And the combination of javascript frameworks like jQuery can produce a cool CSS3 clock 2. Analogue clock created using webkit transition and transform CSS. 3. 3D Cube That Rotates Using Arrow Keys You can Use up, down, left and right keys to navigate the 3D cube. 3D cube built using -webkit-perspective, -webkit-transform and -webkit-transition. 4. Multiple 3D Cubes using CSS3 and proprietary ‘transform’ and ‘transition’ properties. 5. An accordion effect using only CSS. 6. 7. Isocube is like 3DCube but have litle different. 8. 9. 11. 12. 14. 15.

Osez HTML5 et CSS3 ! - Alsacréations. Un site perso en fil rouge Pour étayer cet article, nous allons nous servir d'un fil rouge : mon site personnel dont l'intégration a été réalisée en plusieurs étapes, et destiné à servir de passerelle entre mes différentes activités. Puisqu'il s'agit d'un site sans grande portée médiatique ni contraintes, j'ai pu en profiter pour tester HTML5 et moult règles CSS2 et CSS3 (border-radius, rgba, inline-block, transitions, rotations, @font-face, text-shadow, opacity, :before/:after et autres joyeusetés...). Voyons en détails le cheminement et les écueils de cette intégration... Les Grands Anciens Rappel historique Avant de nous lancer dans le vif du sujet, rappelons certains points essentiels.

Fort heureusement, cela n'empêche pas les navigateurs récents de se lancer dans l'aventure en proposant des implémentations de propriétés considérées comme "sûres". A l'heure actuelle, quasiment tous les navigateurs modernes reconnaissent les propriétés CSS3 ou HTML5 employées dans cet article. Les ombrages en CSS3 - Alsacréations. Grâce à des propriétés telles que box-shadow, text-shadow et border-colors, les feuilles de style offrent la possibilité de créer des ombrages sur les différents éléments de votre page sans nécessiter d'image décorative et de découpes intempestives.

Tout n'est pas rose puisque certains navigateurs à la traîne ne reconnaissent pas encore ces différentes propriétés et nécessitent des adaptations personnalisées. Faisons le tour du propriétaire... Box-shadow La propriété CSS box-shadow a été incluse dans le module "borders" de CSS3 et permet de générer une ombre portée sur n'importe quel élément HTML. Parmi les différentes valeurs utilisables, il est possible d'indiquer le décalage vertical et horizontal ainsi que la force du dégradé.

En voici une illustration (Voir le résultat sur votre navigateur) : Syntaxe Compatibilité et utilisation concrète Seuls les navigateurs modernes, reconnaissent la propriété box-shadow. Adaptation pour Internet Explorer <9 Le filtre Shadow Le filtre Glow La syntaxe : How to Create Inset Typography with CSS3. In this tutorial, we’ll create inset type, a popular text treatment, using CSS. If you follow Six Revisions closely, you’re probably thinking: "Jacob already wrote a Photoshop tutorial on how to do that. " That is correct, but this time we are going to do it using only CSS. I set out to recreate the How to Create Inset Typography in Photoshop tutorial, and after experimenting with some fresh and new CSS3 properties, I was able to make a similar type treatment.

We’ll do all of this in less than ten lines of CSS. Step 1: The HTML markup Let’s first set up the HTML, which is super simple. The typography will be an h1 element, wrapped around a div for its background. <div id="insetBgd"><h1 class="insetType">Inset Typography</h1></div> Step 2: The background The first bit of CSS we want to do is the background. Next, we are going to use CSS3 gradients. We want the background to have a gradient going top to bottom, from #003471 to #448CCB. The code to do this is: Step 4: The inset styles Conclusion.