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Robot Code of Ethics to Prevent Android Abuse, Protect Humans. March 16, 2007 The government of South Korea is drawing up a code of ethics to prevent human abuse of robots—and vice versa.

Robot Code of Ethics to Prevent Android Abuse, Protect Humans

The so-called Robot Ethics Charter will cover standards for robotics users and manufacturers, as well as guidelines on ethical standards to be programmed into robots, South Korea's Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced last week. "The move anticipates the day when robots, particularly intelligent service robots, could become a part of daily life as greater technological advancements are made," the ministry said in a statement.

A five-member task force that includes futurists and a science-fiction writer began work on the charter last November. Gianmarco Veruggio of the School of Robotics in Genoa, Italy, is recognized as a leading authority on roboethics. "Robotics is a new science with a manifold of applications that can assist humans and solve many, many problems," he said. Abusing Robots South Korea boasts one of the world's most high-tech societies. Broadcast Yourself. Interface of robotics and human emotions. Broadcast Yourself. Where’s my Robot? [Part 1] Robots have been a promise and a fear for the last century.

Where’s my Robot? [Part 1]

Up till now robots have been used for what have been called the 3 D’s — Dull, Dirty and Dangerous work. Things like building cars, vacuuming, mining, chopping up carcasses, search & rescue, and joining the armed forces. But there are also robotic footballers, pool sharks, penguins, spiders (yay!) And kung fu fighters. Robots are also starting to drive around town or do experiments (thankfully not yet on us). In this blog posting I’m introducing Aridane’s webshot; an overview of the drivers, trends, challenges and opportunities covered by the post: This post (Part 1) covers the trends, Part 2 looks at some of the challenges.

Current situation The last few years have seen steady development and deployment or robots in a variety of settings. Robots used in other settings — what World Robotics call ‘service’ robots — are also increasing. Drivers for Robotics Trends Not for some time. Where’s my Robot? [Part 2] Viewcontent. 006_Veruggio_Operto. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. The_Nature_Importance_and_Difficulty_of_Machine_Ethics. Ethics. (c) 2000 J.


Storrs Hall, PhD. "A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm. " -- Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics The first book report I ever gave, to Mrs. Slatin's first grade class in Lake, Mississippi in 1961, was on a slim volume entitled "You Will Go to the Moon". The four decades that have passed have witnessed advances in science and physical technology that would be incredible to a child of any other era. That young boy that I was spent time on other things besides science fiction. In the same four decades, progress in the realm of ethics has been modest. We can extend our vision with telescopes and microscopes, peering into the heart of the atom and seeing back to the very creation of the universe. Up to now, we haven't had, or really needed, similar advances in "ethical instrumentation". Similarly, people are largely the objects of responsibility. All that is about to change.

What Are Machines, Anyway? Why Machines Need Ethics --E. Hod Lipson builds "self-aware" robots.