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What Is Cyberstalking and How to Prevent It. Technology opens our lives up in ways that weren't possible even less than a decade ago.

What Is Cyberstalking and How to Prevent It

My children laugh themselves silly when they hear me waxing nostalgic about the days when we pulled over to the side of the road to use a public pay phone, or called someone on the phone for directions ("What? No cell phone? No GPS navigation? "). Today you can chat with someone whether they're in the next room or in another country with ease, via a variety of technologies. It's all fast and amazing. On the flip side of that good fortune is that same technology has also provided a way for people to do bad things. Cyberstalking Defined Cyberstalking, simply put, is online stalking. The harassment can take on many forms, but the common denominator is that it's unwanted, often obsessive, and usually illegal. Kids use the term "stalking" to describe following someone's activities via their social network. How Cyberstalking Harms Cyberstalking can be terribly frightening.

Anti-Stalking Tips Report It. Cyberstalking: Tackling Harassment on the Internet. 12-Year-Old Sentenced in Washington Cyberstalking Case. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy A 12-year-old Washington girl was sentenced on Wednesday to probation and community service for a cyberstalking incident in which she and another 11-year-old girl doctored a classmate's Facebook account with explicit photos and solicitations for sex.

12-Year-Old Sentenced in Washington Cyberstalking Case

But the mother of the victim, also 12, said she has "mixed feelings" about the sentencing of the girls who hacked her daughter's Facebook page, and she isn't satisfied with the judge's ruling. "We wrote a letter to the judge and we requested that she have no access to social media for the full term of her probation. The judge felt that it would be fine for her to be on with parental supervision," said Tara Cote, of Issaquah, Wash. The 12-year-old, who pleaded guilty and whose name has not been released, was charged with Cyberstalking and Computer Trespass First Degree. Cote said she wants the tween to have cyber bullying-specific therapy.

The girl issued an apology in court. Cyberstalking, a New Crime: Evaluatingthe E ectiveness of Current State andFederal Laws. SAFETY/CYBERSTALKING.pdf. Cyber-stalking: the Regulation of Harassment on the Internet. JILT 2007 (2) - Basu & Jones. Subhajit Basu, Queens University, Belfast Richard Jones Abstract Through the use of examples of cyber stalking the paper will consider the nature of regulation required in relation to this behaviour in cyberspace.

JILT 2007 (2) - Basu & Jones

Key Words: Cyberspace, Cyber-stalking, Cyber-harassment, Regulation, Anonymity, Jurisdiction, Positivism References Abercrombie, N and Longhurst, B (1998), Audiences, (London: Sage). Alexander, Gregory S. (1989), Dilemmas of Group Autonomy: Residential Associations and Community, 75 Cornell Law Review, 1: 17–33 Bandura, A. (1999), ‘Moral Disengagement in the Perpetration of Inhumanities,’ Personality and Social Psychology Review 3:193–209. Baudrillard, J. (1988), Selected Writings, edited by M. Bendle, M.F. (2002), ‘The crisis of Identity in High Modernity’, British Journal of Sociology 53: 1-18 Bocij, P. (2002), ‘Corporate Cyberstalking: An invitation to build theory,’ First Monday, 7/11, < Bryant, Rebecca (2001) What Kind of Space is Cyberspace? Cyberstalking. CYBERSTALKING AND INTERNET HARASSMENT.