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Komodo Edit 7 Released:Install in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin. Version 7.0 of Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit are now available for download.

Komodo Edit 7 Released:Install in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin

This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install Komodo Edit in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). Few months back, I showed you how to install version 6.0 in Ubuntu and also told you that it is comparable to Notepad++ found in Windows systems. This version fixes many bugs and has also been updated to support PHP 5.4, Python 3.3, Perl and Ruby. For a more detailed release note, click here. Creating an in-house Dropbox: Phase 1. In this article we try to mimic the great Dropbox. This part of the series deals with setting up basic file synchronization in Linux. Create a Central Repository Create a folder on a large hard drive or raid your main computer/server.

Inkscape 0.48.1 is released! How to Upgrade to Gimp 2.8 in Ubuntu. Gimp users, rejoice!

How to Upgrade to Gimp 2.8 in Ubuntu

After 3.5 years of development, Gimp 2.8 has finally arrived. This version of Gimp brings a plethora of changes and improvement, making Gimp a even better image editing software than its previous version. Single Window mode All previous versions of Gimp come with separate windows for the toolbar, main window and various dock dialogs. Untitled. Learn the Linux command line. Write shell scripts. Clive - An open source command line tool to extract videos from websites. Program name: ClivePlatforms: Unix like operating systems.

Clive - An open source command line tool to extract videos from websites

It’s already in the Ubuntu repositories! How do you remove fonts from Ubuntu. AptGet/Howto. This article applies to all supported versions of Ubuntu Package management via apt-get runs hand-in-hand with the /etc/apt/sources.list file.


For information on editing or updating your sources list see SourcesList. Introduction This page describes how to handle the packages on your system using apt-get and related commands. For example, you can install a new package, remove an installed package, or update all installed packages to the latest versions. Commands Example: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop Installation commands. AptURL. The APT protocol, or apturl, is a very simple way to install a software package from a web browser.


On computers where apturl is enabled, clicking on a special type of link on a web page starts the installation of one or several packages available in the package repositories of this computer. For example, from a web page, when a Ubuntu user clicks on the link apt:packageexample , the apturl protocol will launch the package manager to propose the installation of the package called "packageexample" from the repositories available on the computer. Font-manager - A font management application for the GNOME desktop.


In Unix, what are the sudo and su commands. The Unix commands sudo and su allow access to other commands as a different user.

In Unix, what are the sudo and su commands

The sudo command The sudo command stands for "superuser do". Mint. Lubuntu 11.04 review – If it’s good enough for Mark Shuttleworth… Pros: Lubuntu 11.04 is a mature Ubuntu derivative featuring the LXDE desktop environment and lightweight applicationsCons: Some software choices are odd, and Lubuntu lacks the Ubuntu Software Center. i586 processors aren’t supported any When installing Lubuntu 11.04, the differences with its official Ubuntu cousin are negligible.

Lubuntu 11.04 review – If it’s good enough for Mark Shuttleworth…

It shows the same boot menu and the same installer, just with a different background colour. However, from the moment you start working with the desktop in the live environment or the installed version, the difference is immediately clear: this is not a fully fledged GNOME or Unity desktop with bells and whistles, but a classic, lightweight desktop. How to install Screenfetch and Archey in Ubuntu. Archey is a script that displays system info in the terminal with a logo of this the Linux distro in ASCII art.

How to install Screenfetch and Archey in Ubuntu

Archey is really nice and light-weight and can be a cool tool to display on the terminal. Archey was originally written for Arch Linux but the current version of archey supports many other popular linux distros like Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Archbang... as well. 7 Key Differences Between Windows & Linux You Should Know About Before Switching. Linux has made some serious headway over the past decade, elevating itself from “that open source operating system” to “wow, this thing is actually usable!”

7 Key Differences Between Windows & Linux You Should Know About Before Switching

There’s been a gentle but definite trickle of users away from Windows toward the freer option of Linux and maybe you’re thinking about making that leap. But should you?

Dsl install

Install Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 LTS into VirtualBox. Linux security. How to make a home media server - 9.04. The best Linux distros you've never heard of: Easy to use Linux. Using Linux needn't be tricky, as these distros prove.

The best Linux distros you've never heard of: Easy to use Linux

PCLinuxOS This one-man distro, developed by an army of contributors, is available in several varieties depending on your choice of desktop. The hardware detection prowess of the distro leaves no room for complaint; PCLinuxOS supports a wealth of video cards, including Nvidia, ATI, Intel, SiS, Matrox and VIA, and there are tools for working with HP, Epson and Lexmark printers. You can configure these and other hardware from the easy-to-use administration centre. There's no dearth of apps in the distro, although AbiWord is supplied instead of Software architect Kristof Kovacs. Just a list of 20 (now 28) tools for the command line. Some are little-known, some are just too useful to miss, some are pure obscure -- I hope you find something useful that you weren't aware of yet! Use your operating system's package manager to install most of them.

(Thanks for the tips, everybody!) Dstat & sar iostat, vmstat, ifstat and much more in one. slurm. Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet by DaveChild. The LiveCD List. 02. Unix Shell Scripting Tutorial - Your First Shell Script (Part1) Cure Sick Windows PCs with This New Linux 'Fix-on-a-Stick' It's no secret that Linux offers numerous compelling security advantages, including the infinitely useful ability to help fix Windows PCs when they get infected by malware.

A new device recently launched on Kickstarter, however, aims to make it easier than ever to tap Linux's security goodness for the benefit of a troubled Windows PC. Billed as “a fully automated solution for solving PC frustration,” Jumpshot uses Linux and a Windows app to rescue infected, laggy, bloated, and otherwise beleaguered PCs and restore them to health once again.

A Custom Version of Linux Anyone with an afflicted PC can simply plug the Jumpshot device into their USB drive--three character designs are available, but all serve the same purpose. Both 8GB and 32GB drives are available, though the Jumpshot software itself takes up less than 200MB. Jumpshot then reboots the PC and launches a custom version of Linux instead, automatically loading the correct drivers. Early Access. HTG Explains: The Linux Directory Structure Explained. If you’re coming from Windows, the Linux file system structure can seem particularly alien. The C:\ drive and drive letters are gone, replaced by a / and cryptic-sounding directories, most of which have three letter names. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) defines the structure of file systems on Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems. However, Linux file systems also contain some directories that aren’t yet defined by the standard. / – The Root Directory Everything on your Linux system is located under the / directory, known as the root directory.

Linux Tutorial Series Part 02 (Securing Ubuntu 11.04) Avast Antivirus for Ubuntu Desktop  Science. FreeNX. FreeNX is a system that allows you to access your desktop from another machine over the Internet. You can use this to login graphically to your desktop from a remote location. One example of its use would be to have a FreeNX server set up on your home computer, and graphically logging in to the home computer from your work computer, using a FreeNX client. Space Adventures. 5 Excellent Downloadable eBooks To Teach Yourself Linux. New cool list of Linux must-have programs. Linux: What are some time-saving tips that every Linux user should know.

Best Linux Software. You’ve made the switch from Windows or Mac OS X, and now you’re looking for applications to install. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. Wine Binary Downloads. UnixTutorials - Tutorials and howtos for Unix based operating systems (Linux, Ubuntu, BSD and more) Tutorials. How to survive in vi and emacs.

Linux: Install a million games in one click! List of sections in "oneiric" Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial. Debian Linux Tutorial - Beginners Guide To Linux Servers and Networking Installation and Set Up with Instructions On How To Configure A Home Server. Flash Linux. WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.