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Hulu TV and Film Download Support in get_iplayer. Lots of new features have been added to get_iplayer since the New Year.

Hulu TV and Film Download Support in get_iplayer

Notably Hulu TV and Film indexing and download support have been added for US based users. This can add up to 9000 additional TV programmes and 200+ films!! Although I have now limited it to the most popular 2000 TV programmes to save on indexing speed. To list all the programmes available on Hulu you can simply type: get_iplayer --type=hulu. Everyday linux how2s. 2ManDVD is a very nice DVD menu creator for linux.

everyday linux how2s

There are other DVD menu creators for linux, for example qDVDauthor, however 2ManDVD is by far and away the easiest to use, and is a very good looking app to boot. Unfortunately for English speakers, the website for 2ManDVD is in French, so there’s not a lot to go on in terms of documentation, or information about the application. Installation Generally this application is well supported in the main distributions’ repositories. I know both ubuntu and openSuse have packages available. The LiveCD List. Distros.

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