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Six Simple Strategies for Long-term Stock Market Success. Bank savings accounts offer paltry rates of interest. If you put leave all your money in banks it should be safe but will not grow much. The stock market offers much more interesting returns but because of the element of risk many savers avoid it. Worse still they might enter the market at the top and then sell out later at the bottom. Here are some simple rules to help you navigate the market and build a large stock portfolio over a long period. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Finally be prepared to sell when you eventually need the money. Paul Sloane writes and speaks on leadership and innovation.

3 Simple Steps to Making Money From Any Passion. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ~Confucius Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend. Is it possible to have your passion also be your core source of income? We seem to hear more and more stories of people reaching the promised land, but is it really possible for the everyday person?

Or are those ‘lucky few’ just that— lucky? After years of research I have good news for you… I bet you there’s something you love doing that someone else would be happy to pay you for right this second. But let’s start with a question. Success begets success. What are the things that consistently allow certain people to build a business and living around the things they love most, but allow the other 80% of the world to continue to drag themselves, day in and day out, to a job they can’t stand? The steps aren’t foreign, they aren’t cryptic, or hidden behind some secret handshake.

Why is that? As it turns out, the answer is pretty simple… Income from Income. 25 Ways 2 Make Money 4 Teens. Advice - Money-Saving Tips: How to Live on Less in All Areas of Your Life. Money-Saving Tips: How to Live on Less in All Areas of Your Life The Economides clan is proud to call themselves America's cheapest family. Starting off with very little when they got married, Steve and Annette have mastered the art of living frugally. They've raised five children and paid off a home in nine years, while earning $33,000 a year.

They currently live in a 3,500 square-foot house, buy designer clothes for their kids and go on vacations, without going into debt or spending more than $44,000 a year. "Finding a great bargain is the ultimate prize," Steve says. "We want to encourage others that frugality is not a life of deprivation," Annette says. They share their best tips for saving money while enjoying life at the same time: Three Important Concepts People Should Follow 1. 2. 3. Secrets to Saving Only Carry Cash Operate on a cash system and don't use credit.

Tips for Grocery Shopping Tips for Slashing the Grocery Bill Tips for Saving on Utility Bills "Money is tight. The Postmasculine Guide to Wealth. (Read this article as: PDF | ePub | Mobi) “Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.” - Benjamin Franklin A group of professional 20-somethings visited their favorite professor from university at his home.

They complained about the stresses of young professional life and how hard it was to adjust to the rat race. The professor listened quietly and then asked them if they would like some coffee. They said yes. He made some coffee and got out cups for everyone. Half of the cups were plain and plastic. The former students vied for the nice porcelain cups, negotiating, complaining, comparing and evaluating over who got what. The professor smiled and said, “You see? I don’t own any property. That wealth comes from my experience; and the efficiency in which I’ve organized my life to achieve greater experiences. I believe I come from a unique background when it comes to wealth. But for most of my childhood and adolescence, my family was miserable. Now I don’t mean to get preachy. 16 Great Personal Finance Resources & Blogs. It’s one of the most common reasons for arguments and divorce in marriages.

It can keep us from achieving our dreams, or it can enable us. It can cultivate the worst in people, and it can cultivate the best. Money is one the most fundamental, crude, material parts of our existence, yet we look at it like some kind of metaphysical, unknowable force. If this describes your relationship with money, it might be time to dedicate some time to improving your knowledge of your finances and set about improving them.

You could even make a 30-day trial out of getting a grip on your money. From reducing your debt to automating your tax accounting records, there’s something for every reader. Get Rich Slowly – JD Roth’s immensely popular blog covers personal finance topics for the everyday individual, by breaking down the world complex and intimidating information so that anyone can understand it. The Family Wallet - Are you managing the budget for a family or just for yourself?