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How to Overcome Loneliness When Surrounded by People: 9 Steps. Edit Article Edited by IngeborgK, Teresa, Krystle, Eric and 17 others Are you one of those people that can go anywhere and have someone talking to within five minutes, but deep down inside still feel lonely?

How to Overcome Loneliness When Surrounded by People: 9 Steps

It can break your heart! Studies have shown that people (especially women) who feel lonely even in the company of others are at a much higher risk for heart disease.[1] Here are some ways you can tackle those feelings of loneliness so you can have healthier relationships, and a healthy heart. Ad Steps 1Understand that it's quality that matters, not quantity. 9Open up. Tips Being in touch with other people doesn't mean being out of touch with yourself. 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Lost and Alone. Email “Being alone never felt right.

10 Things to Remember When You Feel Lost and Alone

Sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.” ―Charles Bukowski “This morning I felt lost and alone as I was driving home after a brutal breakup with my boyfriend. I turned on the radio and the Michael Jackson song ‘You Are Not Alone’ was playing. 3 Questions that Will Free Your Mind and Turn Your Life Around. Email “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

3 Questions that Will Free Your Mind and Turn Your Life Around

―Voltaire It’s not the answers you get from others, but the questions you ask yourself that will help you grow stronger. In fact, the simple questions you ask yourself on a daily basis will determine the type of person you become in the long run. 12 Things You Should Start Making Time for Again. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email This is a new day.

12 Things You Should Start Making Time for Again

A new beginning. And things will change. Today, I was jogging on the outskirts of downtown Austin when a woman I had just passed began screaming for help. Now I’m sitting here reflecting on the incident and, even more so, on the words the woman repeated over and over through her tears as I was attending to her husband: “It’s not his time.

And in a backwards way, her words keep echoing in my mind, reminding me that life is fragile and fleeting, and that I need to start allocating my time properly again. 4 Good Reminders When You’ve Had a Bad Day. 40 Amazing Things You Will Never Forget. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email “There are only two ways to live your life.

40 Amazing Things You Will Never Forget

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ―Albert Einstein “Today I am celebrating my 90th birthday. Those are the opening lines to an email I received this morning from a reader named Mary Ann. Mary Ann’s words of wisdom remind me that there will always be ups and downs in life, but ultimately, at the end of the day, that’s what makes each of us who we are. So pay attention to your outlook on life. Flowing and working through life’s great challenges. – No matter what happens, do your best and smile.

Your turn… Truth be told, talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. 20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Be with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.

20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You

This past Sunday, while we were enjoying an afternoon barbeque at our friend Sara’s house, her 16-year-old foster child, Cody, received a visit from his biological mother – a woman who has been in and out of prison and rehab her whole life. Although Sara was a bit reluctant about it, she let them talk in the family room alone, and we eavesdropped from the kitchen just to make sure everything was okay. 40 Little Ways to Find Happiness in What You Already Have. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Happiness is an attitude we act upon.

40 Little Ways to Find Happiness in What You Already Have

We either make ourselves miserable, or happier and stronger. The amount of work is the same. “My body sometimes feels sore, but it works. 9 Things You Should NOT Have to Give Up to Be Happy. Email “All happiness depends on courage and work.”

9 Things You Should NOT Have to Give Up to Be Happy

―Honoré de Balzac “This morning my best friend, Karl, confided in me that he’s having trouble playing a depressed character in our school’s end of the semester play. ‘Call me one of the lucky ones,’ he said. ‘But I just have no emotional tie to the role, and I know it’s hurting the quality of the character I’m trying to portray.’ Those are the opening lines to an email I received this morning from a reader named Darin. Darrin’s words hit home with me, not only because I once let a high school bully get the best of me, but because I know all of us, in all walks of life, have taken a wrong turn in the pursuit of happiness a time or two. 10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness.

4 Ways to Quiet the Negative Voice Inside You. Email There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference.

4 Ways to Quiet the Negative Voice Inside You

The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. ―W. Clement Stone Why do we think negatively when we know better? Because thinking negatively, expecting “the worst,” seeing the downside of positive situations, and even downright expecting failure, all convey a kind of backwards-thinking, emotional insurance policy. Our desire to want to be right is another common reason we subconsciously choose negative thinking. Of course, none of this is what we truly want or need in our lives. 1. Life simply isn’t black or white – 100% of this or 100% of that – all or nothing. Rather than the rainstorm slowing down my commute home from work, instead “it wasted my whole evening and ruined my night!” Make the realistic-case outcome as detailed and long as you like, or list more than one realistic-case outcome. 2.