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Medicine and cyborgs

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Reg Saddler sur Twitter : "The biggest #biotech discovery of the century is about to change #medicine forever: The biggest biotech discovery of the century is about to change medicine forever. Científicos descubren la fórmula para la vida eterna | Conciencia Colectiva. Redes sociales y su beneficio para la salud: documento de la OPS ... | Cyberlaw. Skin Worn Electronics that Stretch and Wrinkle. Electronic chips applied directly to your forehead are closer than you think.

Engineers from the University of Illinois have come up with an electronic patch that's ultra-thin and wrinkles like real skin. John A. Rogers, the Lee J. Flory-Founder professor of engineering at the University of Illinois, led the research on the novel skin-mounted electronics. The patch is a chip suite made of sensors, LEDs, transistors, radio frequency capacitors, wireless antennas, and conductive coils and solar cells for power.

The whole thing is put on a thin, rubbery substrate that can bend, stretch, and wrinkles like skin. Applying the patch is almost like rubbing on a temporary tattoo as the device is transferred from a piece of water-soluble plastic that's placed on the skin. So far the scientists have only tested their device for medical uses, including Electroencephalography and Electromyogram tests to monitor nerve and muscle activity. Would you wear a chip patch? Like this?