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Rhinoscripting Resources. Panelingscripting. Theverymany. Rhino. I’m excited to announce that I will be doing a workshop in interactive parametric modelling with Studio Mode and MakerBot in New York, Feb 19-20 (with an optional extra day on Feb 21).


We will be using Processing along with CAD tools like Rhino3D to produce parametric models to output 3D models for digital fabrication. MakerBot Industries have graciously offered to lend us some MakerBot Thing-o-matics to produce models from the workshop. Participants are also free to use on-site KNK High-Force cutters. The full announcement follows below, please visit Studio Mode’s announcement for enrollment and more details. Developer:rhinoscript. Developer:monkeyforrhino4. RhinoScript. Computational Design Solutions Part I.


Computational Design Solutions Part I

This is a showcase of all the work done for an IAP course on RhinoScripting. Please feel free to download samples of the work here. Course Instructors. Developer:rhinoscript101. Contents Introduction RhinoScript 101 is a project which aims to ease the transition from user to developer. Scripting is an extremely powerful yet relatively easy to learn way of automating Rhino. However, since it involves programming the mental threshold for beginners is rather high.