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Prc » Association for Robots in Architecture - Download The trial version of KUKA|prc generates robot code and simulates the robot’s kinematics.

prc » Association for Robots in Architecture -

However, several advanced features such as support for linear axes and more robots/tools are only available to members of the Association for Robots in Architecture. Members also have got access to up-to-date version that are uploaded at least every month, but frequently even more often. Thibault.schwartz // architecture * design * computation » Archive » HAL // ABB Robots (re)programming [0.03] Lobster. Lobster_IK1.3dm Lobster_IK.pdf This is still a work-in-progress, with plenty of room for improvement.


I've been meaning to release this for some time - I was intending to clean it up some more and maybe compile it into a proper component first, but have been too busy with other activities, and rather than delay any longer have decided to share it in its current state. It is a purely geometric solution, specific to this particular joint configuration, which allows kinematic decoupling, greatly simplifying things.