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Zuiderkruis class support ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi. Karel Doorman is a multi-function support ship for amphibious operations currently under construction for the Royal Netherlands Navy.[1] In September, 2013, it was announced that as part of a series of Dutch defense budget cuts, the vessel wouldn't enter military service,[1][3] but this decision has been reversed by the Dutch government and the vessel will now enter service when it is completed.

Zuiderkruis class support ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi

The vessel will cost 400 million Euros.[1] Characteristics[edit] For maritime support the ship will have two Replenishment-At-Sea masts, the holding capacity of approx 8000 m3 of fuel, more than 1000 m3 of helicopter fuel, approx 450 m3 of potable water and approx 400 tonnes of ammunition and other supplies. Walrus class submarine. The Walrus-class submarine is the only submarine class currently in operation in the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Walrus class submarine

They have been in service since 1990 and are all named after sea mammals. Design[edit] Royal Marechaussee. The Koninklijke Marechaussee, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, abbreviated to KMar, (English is Royal Marshals, but commonly seen as Royal Military Constabulary) is one of the four Services of the armed forces of the Netherlands.

Royal Marechaussee

It is a gendarmerie force performing military police and civil police duties. History[edit] The Corps de Maréchaussée was created by King William I to replace the French Gendarmerie on October 26, 1814.