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Freeware. Download. Collection. Gpicsync - Project Hosting on Google Code. ( French Translation ) ( GettingStarted ) ( ScreenShots ) January 30th 2014 : New version 1.32 beta available (see ChangeLog) Missing a dll?

gpicsync - Project Hosting on Google Code

(see TroubleShooting) GPicSync automatically inserts location in your photos metadata so they can also be used with any 'geocode aware' application like Picasa/Google Earth, Flickr,, etc. Features: Add visuals to your online conversations. Alternative software and apps to your PC (Windows, Linux), Mac, iPhone, Android, Web/Online and other platforms. BooX Viewer(PDG阅读器)v1.0b3 绿色汉化版 - 绿色软件 - 未来软件园 - 绿色软件下载站. 还在用超星看PDG文件吗?

BooX Viewer(PDG阅读器)v1.0b3 绿色汉化版 - 绿色软件 - 未来软件园 - 绿色软件下载站

如果你仅仅是为了对付PDG的文件格式,扔掉吧,用这个BooX Viewer 1.0b3 汉化,仅606KB的小软件,pdg文件阅读器。 绿色软件,无需安装,来试试吧。 本站提供BooX Viewer(PDG阅读器),版权归源作者或公司所有。