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Photo 1- You Totally Got This: 4 Easy Braids For Rookies - StumbleUpon. Feb 18, 2014 If we ruled the world, our first decree would be to make daily braid wearing mandatory.

Photo 1- You Totally Got This: 4 Easy Braids For Rookies - StumbleUpon

And, we wouldn't expect any complaints — braids are just so darn versatile, we'd bet there's a variation out there…read Nov 19, 2013 The holidays are hard — if we don't get invited to parties, we're upset ("I thought so-and-so and I were closer than that! ") Head Scarves & Glitter & Pearls. I’ve always believed that girls who wore head scarves just pulled off chic.

Head Scarves & Glitter & Pearls

I’ve worn head scarves over dirty hair to much guffawing from the peanut gallery (a.k.a. stupid brothers) who tell me I look like the chiquita banana lady. Hey, at least she’s famous. Also, the vintage vibe is irresistable. So I continue to try (mostly in vain.) For an easy-as-could-be head scarf tutorial … How To Style a Side Braid - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon. Here's a brand new, extra magical hair how-to by Katie of Skunkboy. 1.Start with a dramatic side part. 2.

How To Style a Side Braid - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon

Separate a small section of hair on the side. This will be the beginning of your braid. 3.Taking that section, separate it into two smaller sections. 4. Using a fishtail braid method, begin braiding. 5. How To Style a Hair Bow. Love bows?

How To Style a Hair Bow

We do too! Learn to make a pretty bow with your own hair so you can feel extra fancy. Enjoy..... 1. Hairy Situation - StumbleUpon.