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解决CSS中float:right后右对齐换行问题. CSS中float时浮动元素,浮动元素的定位还是基于正常的文档流,然后从文档流中抽出并尽可能远的移动至左侧或者右侧,这里和大家分享一下解决CSS中float:right属性后右对齐换行问题方法。


解决CSS中float:right属性后右对齐换行问题 ◆问题 在Chrome、Firefox下这个问题没有出现,但是在IE下就会出现,日期另起一行了。 ◆原因分析 当非float的元素和float的元素在一起的时候,如果非float元素在先,那么float的元素将被排斥也就是说,你的span是float:right,但是你文本还是float:none。 Lavalamp for jQuery Lovers - Project. Update: (as of Sep 23, 2014) Tested to work with jQuery 1.11.1, jquery easing 1.3 and compatibility version.

Lavalamp for jQuery Lovers - Project

This page uses the above mentioned versions. Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery. Today we will show you some examples of websites that are using beautiful and inspiring color combinations that match perfectly and create an eye candy...

Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery

For me, Photoshop is becoming more and more of a prototyping or blue printing tool: it’s basically just a canvas... CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery. 15 个 jQuery 和 CSS3 实现的页面切换效果.

Git@OSC 手机客户端摇一摇,有惊喜有妹纸 带页面切换效果的全屏布局 Tutorial || Demo 页面切换效果集合.

15 个 jQuery 和 CSS3 实现的页面切换效果

The Web Manifest specification. By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson.

The Web Manifest specification

Many of us who work on the web are actively working to narrow “the gap” between native applications and web applications. (Disclosure: your humble authors, Marcos Caceres and Bruce Lawson work for browser vendors – Mozilla and Opera respectively – and therefore have mortgage-related reasons to convince you this stuff is a good idea. Please also note that we are describing a technology that is a work in progress. It could all change tomorrow. )


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