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FRONTLINE: Coming Soon: Top Secret America - the top secret world the government created in response to the 9/11 attacks. September 6, 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Dana Priest traces the journey from 9/11 to the Marathon bombings and investigates the secret history of the 12-year battle against terrorism. Big Brother Is Watching You Drive July 17, 2013, 3:46 pm ET · by Sarah Childress Law enforcement agencies nationwide increasingly rely on automatic license-plate readers to track and store information on American drivers, a new report found, in the latest revelation on how the government gathers data on its citizens.

Is “Top Secret America” Making Us Safer? April 30, 2013, 9:50 pm ET · by Nathan Tobey Join us for a live chat about “Top Secret America: 9/11 to the Boston Bombings” with Washington Post reporter Dana Priest, FRONTLINE producer Mike Wiser and Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen. The Boston Bombers: Who Knew What When April 30, 2013, 9:40 pm ET · by Sarah Childress The FBI and the CIA had been tipped off about one of the bombers two years ago. The Magazine that “Inspired” the Boston Bombers. Aggregators. Popular Bookmarks on Delicious. Popurls® | the genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz. Tech News. Google Wave's Best Use Cases - Wave - Lifehacker. @arekkusu82: Realistically, Wave is just a new implementation of an old idea. You can acheive much the same thing with SharePoint Discussion boards, or Microsoft Groove (which was developed by a different company before being gobbled up my Microsoft), or ShareFlow by zenbe.

Wave is extensible, but so is SharePoint. Sure, the real time translation is pretty sweet, but all the "oooh, shiny" stuff in Wave are just features. The idea behind wave isn't anything groundbreaking...people just think it is because it's a Google project (Oooh! Google's doing something new!). They seem to benefit from the same Reality Distortion Field that Apple does. @arekkusu82: Given that Wave protocol is an open standard, not long. @Bill Clark: Yeah, it first looked to me like a fancy IRC client. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to try it.

100,000 Google Wave Preview Invites: Everything You Need to Know. Google just officially announced that it will send out 100,000 invitations to preview Google Wave tomorrow. These accounts will go to developers who are already in the developers preview and users who signed up for accounts at on a first-come, first-served basis. A select number of Google Apps users will also get access to Wave. Google first unveiled Wave in May and since then the team has focused almost exclusively on making the system more stable and scalable.

What is Google Wave? Even after using Google Wave for a few months now, it is still hard to describe exactly what it is. It's as much of a real-time chat room as a platform for editing documents collaboratively. It can also be used as a Wiki, to replace email and IM within an organization, or just to organize a pub crawl, as Wave's Lars Rasmussen points out in today's blog post. We got a chance to talk to the core Wave team, including Lars and Jens Rasmussen and Stephanie Hannon, last night. Highlights Chrome Frame. Blow Me Away.