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Install Webmin Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Installing Webmin on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin is quite simple. This article will walk you through the complete installation of Webmin 1.580 including the upgrading of the self-signed certificate to a 2048-bit key (a 512-bit key is the default). This is my system: $ uname -a Linux brasenose 3.2.0-24-generic-pae #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 10:47:59 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Release: 12.04 Codename: precise $ openssl versionOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 That last check is pretty important. If you don’t have OpenSSL installed you are not going to be able to run Webmin over TLS so make sure it is installed.

My demonstration system is a minimal system with only a SSH Server installed and a static IP set-up. Install Webmin Things have come a long way in the Webmin world and some cranky old Perl dependencies have now been flushed from the code. . $ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list. Configurar Webmin (Servidor DHCP) Webmin no esta preparado para la versión 4 del servidor dhcp de ISC (Internet Systems Consortium), versión 4.2.2 en el momento de escribir este manual, en Debian testing Wheezy.

Para poder configurar el servidor dhcp mediante Webmin, tenemos que configurar el modulo a mano. Configurar webmin para ISC-dhcp-server 4 Has instalado isc-dhcp-server, y el módulo no aparece en el apartado de Servidores en webmin, si embargo aparece listado en el apartado de Módulos no usado, eso significa que existe algún error o fallo en la instalación o bien en el modulo del propio webmin es incorrecto. Si una vez instalado el servidor dhcp, vemos que no aparece en el apartado de Servidor, entonces vamos a modificar la configuración del modulo, ya que seguramente este mal configurado.

Tras una rápida mirada, se observa que la configuración del modulo esta realizada para la versión 3 del servidor dhcp. Configuración para el servidor dhcp versión 3 Configuración modificada para el servidor dhcp versión4. Install Munin In Five Minutes On Ubuntu 10.04. Not knowing what is going on a server can be a recipe for disaster. That’s why I use Munin a networked resource monitoring tool that is both simple to install and understand. Munin graphs server performance over time, administrators can later use this information to make an informed decision about when to add more resources.

From The Munin Site: Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and “what just happened to kill our performance?” Note: You will need Root privileges Why guess when the right tools are available. Install To start this tutorial you will need a web server, both Lighttpd and Apache will do the job. Sudo aptitude install lighttpd You will also need PHP installed on the system. sudo aptitude install php5-cgi Since Munin will be running on only one system we will need the master and client installed on the same system. sudo aptitude install munin munin-node Configure sudo nano /etc/munin/munin.conf New Path. htmldir /var/www/munin Links.

How to monitor CPU temperature through terminal prompt. This is an interesting problem when setting up an Ubuntu server. The room that temporary contains the server is not well air-conditioned and as such temperature is a major concern. However, since the machine is headless, it is a bit harder to figure out the CPU temperature without needlessly looking at the sensor all day. Below is instructions on how to setup the CPU monitor on the prompt so it becomes a bit easier to determine whether the computer is overheating. 1.

Install/Setup lm-sensors This is a simple process for in Ubuntu (and probably most distributions). The command to install them is: # Install lm-sensors to the machine. Next, run the command ‘sensors-detect’ and go ahead and say YES to all the options. . # Setup sensors so they register properly. Now, verify that lm-sensors is setup correctly by typing ‘sensors. . ’ # Display sensor information. 2. This is a simple script that gets the CPU temperature out of the sensor data. #! 3. 4. /etc/init.d/cpu_temp Like this: Install OpenVPN on Ubuntu. Some days ago I started using Hulu, the new video star online, but, like many, I found the restriction imposed to users outside the United States, I live in Peru, rather annoying.

I started looking for solutions and found a few which I tested during one week. In this article I'll tell you about each and will guide you on setting up the one I think is the most convenient: your own VPN setup running on Ubuntu. Your Options To Get Hulu Outside The US Google quickly told me that using a virtual private network (VPN) with a server in the US would fit the bill for this problem. My connection would go thru the VPN and Hulu will see me as coming from a US based IP.

Hotspot Shield is perhaps the most known free VPN application for doing this these days, I tried it and it worked. The bad news? So, Hotspot Shield is option 1. After a little more searching I found two paid services that offered Linux support: HotSpotVPN (afiliado) and WiTopia (both affiliate links). That's option 2. What's a VPN Now run: O instalar gnupanel en Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin | GEEKLAB.

Agradecemos a GNUtransfer el habernos cedido un VPS y otros recursos para escribir este articulo. Debemos comenzar con una instalación mínima y limpia de Ubuntu Precise Pangolin, debemos tener un dominio registrado y una IP fija y publica. En nuestro ejemplo sera IP: DOMINIO: //Importante agregado el 3-3-2013 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ante de comenzar debemos generar los locales Primero debemos ingresar como root en el servidor, creamos un directorio, descargamos y descomprimimos gnupanel dentro del mismo.

Luego ingresamos en el directorio gnupanel_lenny_squeeze_precise_0.3.4_R2 y ejecutamos el script Presionamos “Enter” Seleccionamos “Yes” y presionamos enter Presionamos “Enter” (Esto si su sistema esta actualizado no debería aparecer, y si su sistema esta muy desactualizado aparecerá una lista mas grande de paquetes) Nuevamente nos volvera a aparecer el mismo mensaje.