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How to use the Singleton design pattern - TalkPHP. PHP 5 OOP: Interfaces Abstract Classes and the Adapter Pattern — PHP 5 made significant improvements on the Object Orientated programming model of PHP 4 bringing it more in line with languages such as Visual Basic .NET and Java.

PHP 5 OOP: Interfaces Abstract Classes and the Adapter Pattern —

The improved object model in PHP 5 makes developing applications using OOP much easier and gives you the programmer, greater flexibility. In this series of articles I will demonstrate the new features of the PHP 5 object and show you how to create a database abstraction layer similar to PEAR DB. I will also introduce you to a few design patterns that can be applied to common OOP related problems. In this article, I introduce you to some of the features of the PHP 5 object model. You will see how to create a database abstraction layer similar to the Pear DB abstraction layer. Abstract Factory Design Pattern in PHP.