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The True History of the Anunnaki; Explains Why they came to Earth and What they were after. THE ANUNNAKI: OUR INTERGALACTIC HERITAGE & EARTH - Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani. For those of you who are Sitchin fans, you may notice some similarities between his information and mine.


I respect the exhaustive research he has done, and the great scholar that he is. He contributed to opening up our planet's memory of the Anunnaki. Scholastic and intellectual viewpoints and written documents are of value and add one part to understanding who we are. However, I feel we must not rule out our holographic, multidimensional viewpoints and reincarnation as being of equal value. This is what I present to you. I don't agree with all of Sitchin's data, and I include a lot that he does not. I have something I'd like to add here - the Anunnaki had bases around the world, but primarily in the Middle East - Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Iraq - and in India and South Africa.

Special update on May 1, 2003: The Tomb of Gilgamesh is thought to have been found in Iraq. Personally, I feel that much of what we attribute to the Anunnaki was not their own doing. In the beginning..... Blogues » La dalle de Palenque ou dalle de l astronaute Â. La dalle de Palenque ou dalle de « l'astronaute » Palenque se trouve dans le Chiapas, un état du Mexique près du fleuve Usumacinta.

Blogues » La dalle de Palenque ou dalle de l astronaute Â

De petite taille en comparaison à d'autre site Mayas, cette cité au milieu de la jungle s'étend sur 2,5 kilomètres, on estime n'avoir découvert que 10% de sa superficie totale, la jungle y ayant repris ces droits. C'est en 1773 que l'on observe les premières notes d'intérêts pour cette ville inconnue, lorsqu'un dénommé Don Ramón de Ordoñez y Aguilar s'y rendit et envoya un rapport au capitaine du Guatemala. L'année suivante ils décrétèrent ce site d'un intérêt archéologique majeur pour la connaissance de la civilisation Mayas. En avril 1840, deux scientifiques, un Américain et un Anglais, Lord John Stephens et Frederick Caterwood, sont envoyés sur le site par le gouverneur du Honduras britannique pour mener une première étude scientifique de cette incroyable cité au milieu de la jungle. Le temple des inscriptions est le plus élevé et le plus grandiose du site. The Day Before Disclosure Part 1/8 OFFICIAL HD UFO/ET Documentary.

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) Home Page. Definition: CE-5 is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact.

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) Home Page

The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5s have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and outreach efforts into this possibility.

Core Principles There is strong evidence for the existence of ETI, civilizations and spacecraft. ETI/ETS have been and are currently visiting the Earth. CSETI approaches the study of ETI with cooperative, peaceful, non-harmful intentions and procedures. GEIPAN: Le <span>G</span>EIPAN. UFO Files - Countries Releasing. Free UFO documentaries. [Archive]