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Ubuntu 12.10 and AMD Catalyst problem (solved) Many users when they wished to upgrade their Ubuntu 12.04 up to 12.10, they encountered a problem concerning their graphics. This problem appeared only to AMD Radeon GPU users and especially to those who had Radeon HD 4000, HD 3000 or HD 2000 graphics card. The root of the problem lies with AMD’s recent announcement which drops the support of these models. As result, after upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal, the packaged version of fglrx is no longer functional, leaving the users with a bitter taste of a broken graphics environment.

In a matter of fact, this problem is not 100% percent related to Ubuntu 12.10, but it comes with the new version of xorg 1.13 that is included in Quantal. According to AMD’s press release: “AMD has moved to the AMD Radeon™ HD 4000, AMD Radeon HD 3000, and AMD Radeon HD 2000 Series new driver support model. So guys, if you own one of them . . . . . . . . you are going to use the Legacy driver which currently is Catalyst 12.6 Legacy Simply put: How To Fix “Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists” Error In Ubuntu 11.04. While using the package manager or trying to install applications through Terminal, it is possible to get a nasty error which is something like this : E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists /us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

This will prevent from installing or upgrading any application in Ubuntu 11.04. Fortunately, the fix is simple for this. From the Terminal type the following commands : sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf and This will delete the older entries and download the latest ones after which the error should no longer be there. [ In fact, to avoid remembering these commands, they can be put in a shell script and only that script needs to be executed. Cheers. Update : In Linux Mint 15, you can simply fix this using a few clicks. Finally Internet between Mac and Ubuntu | Just my thoughts. People hate changes done to the ticker and the Facebook chat way before this.

Well reasons are chat was annoying and ticker was a stalker bot tool. Facebook is a social media and is our choice to go social. I do like the new layout though Here comes the new Facebook profile revamped. Is called Timeline. First up is the new cover photo. Is like the second profile picture but more to a portrait photo kind of thing instead of your face. Next is the new layout of the wall post and status updates.

From what i see here is that the chronological order goes from left to right then back to left. On the top right corner is just an update on your recent info changes. Confusing at first and it does take some time to get used to it Continuation of the above Now at the end of each month you can see a review of what's been going on in your activities. Friends you made, things you like, events you attended, summary of your friend's post on your wall and also the places that you've been to. WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless. Okay, imagine you only have a network cable plugged in your desktop PC (which we'll call "eth0") and a wireless card too (which we'll call "wireless0").

Now suppose you have your laptop (or any other computer) and you have no way to connect it to the internet - but wait! You have a wireless in your desktop PC and your laptop does too, so we will share your internet connection for your laptop through your wireless card. Come aboard! Remember, your machine may vary so be sure to use the commands shown in the "The basics" section right below. Note: this guide has been tested for sharing connection between : Please add successfull configurations Note: This diagram was created with inkscape. For getting your wireless card info, open a terminal and use these commands: lsusb (lists all the connected USB devices) iwconfig (lists all the detected wireless hardware) iwlist (allows you to scan the wireless networks around you) ip addr (lists all the detected network hardware. Iwconfig Okay.